Aspects of perspective and ambiguous space in the work of M.C. Escher

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Show simple item record Mathlener, Rinette 2011-11-14T14:26:42Z 2011-11-14T14:26:42Z 2011 2009
dc.description.abstract Cartographers, mathematicians and artists discovered many of the rules for linear perspective before the Renaissance, but the mathematical basis to represent objects three-dimensionally was developed only in the 15th century. Brunelleschi was the first to demonstrate geometric perspective with his famous experiments in 1425. The humanist Alberti recorded the geometrical principles for creating three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface during 1435. This was, in other words, the tools to translate mental vision onto paper. The fact that, in human vision, the parallel lines from the edges of objects converge at an infinite point (the vanishing point) on the horizon, is an illusion. Escher wanted to make concrete representations of infinity and he used traditional perspective to create impossible worlds. en_US
dc.description.abstract Die ontwikkeling van perspektief en die gebruik daarvan in die werk van M.C. Escher. Kartograwe, wiskundiges en kunstenaars het sommige van die reëls vir lineêre perspektief intuïtief ontdek, maar die wiskundige gronde vir drie-dimensionele voorstelling is eers tydens die 15de eeu ontdek. Brunelleschi het tydens 1425 meetkundige perspektief gedemonstreer met behulp van sy bekende eksperimente. Die humanis Alberti het tydens 1435 die meetkundige beginsels vir die voorstelling van drie-dimensionele ruimte op ‘n twee-dimensionele oppervlakte gedokumenteer. Hierdie beginsels was die metode waarvolgens die kognitiewe visie omgesit word in ‘n voorstelling op papier. Die feit (volgens menslike visie) dat die ewewydige lyne vanaf die rand van voorwerpe by ‘n oneindige punt (die verdwyningspunt) op die horison konvergeer, is ‘n illusie. Escher wou konkrete voorstellings van oneindigheid maak en hy het tradisionele perspektieftekening gebruik om ‘n onmoontlike wêreld te skep. en_US
dc.format.extent 18 pages en_US
dc.format.medium PDF en_US
dc.identifier.citation Mathlener, R 2009, 'Aspects of perspective and ambiguous space in the work of M.C. Escher', South African Journal of Art History, vol. 24, no. 2, pp 96-113. [] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0258-3542
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.rights Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.subject Art en_US
dc.subject Linear perspective en_US
dc.subject Vanishing point en_US
dc.subject Horizon line en_US
dc.subject Zenith en_US
dc.subject Nadir en_US
dc.subject Escher, Maurits Cornelis, 1898–1972 en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Art -- History -- 20th century en
dc.subject.lcsh Perspective en
dc.subject.lcsh Three-dimensional imaging en
dc.subject.lcsh Horizon en
dc.subject.lcsh Zenith distance en
dc.subject.lcsh Escher, Maurits Cornelis, 1898–1972 -- Criticism and interpretation en
dc.subject.lcsh Metamathematics en
dc.subject.lcsh Symmetry (Art) en
dc.title Aspects of perspective and ambiguous space in the work of M.C. Escher en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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