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Carroll’s model of School Learning (1)
Classroom practice (1)
Consumer experience (1)
Creemers' Comprehensive Model of Educational Effectiveness (1)
Cross-cultural literacy assessment (1)
Differential item functioning (1)
Differential item functioning (DIF) (1)
Educational policies (1)
Effective questioning (1)
Equal educational opportunity (1)
Equivalence (1)
Focus group interviews (1)
Fokusgroeponderhoude (1)
Foreground (1)
Formative assessement (1)
Foundation Phase (1)
Graad 4-leerders (1)
Grade 9 mathematics (1)
Grondslagfase (1)
Higher order thinking skills (HOTS) (1)
Hulpbronbeperkte omgewings (1)
Hulpbronuitdagings (1)
International Reading Literacy Study (prePIRLS) (1)
Intervention (1)
isiXhosa (1)
Kwaliteit van onderwys (1)
Lack of capacity (1)
Landstale (1)
Language and education -- South Africa (1)
Language complexity (1)
Language in education (1)
Language policy -- South Africa (1)
Languages (1)
Large-scale assessments (1)
Large-scale studies (1)
Learning strategies (1)
Leerderprestasie (1)
Leesgeletterd (1)
Leeshulpbronne (1)
Leesinstruksie (1)
Leesoplossings (1)
Leespraktyke (1)
Leesuitdagings (1)
Lesson objectives (1)
Linguistic diversity (1)
Mathematical resilience (1)
Mathematics classroom (1)
Multilingualism -- South Africa (1)
Northern Cape, South Africa (1)
Nutrition -- School children -- South Africa (1)
Online shopping (1)
Opportunity to learn (OTL) (1)
PIRLS Literacy 2016 (1)
pre-PIRLS (1)
Pre-Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (prePIRLS) 2011 (1)
PrePIRLS 2011 (1)
PreProgress in International Reading Literacy Study (prePIRLS) (1)
preProgress in International Reading Literacy Study (prePIRLS) (1)
Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) (1)
Quality of education (1)
Rasch analysis (1)
Readability (1)
Reading (Elementary) -- South Africa (1)
Reading challenges (1)
Reading comprehension (1)
Reading instruction (1)
Reading practices (1)
Reading resources (1)
Reading skills (1)
Reading solutions (1)
Resilience (1)
Resource constrained environments (1)
Resource specific challenges (1)
School-based assessment (SBA) (1)
Science education (1)
SDG-04: Quality education (1)
Social interaction (1)
South African children (1)
South African Grade 4 learners (1)
South African learner (1)