Browsing Research Articles (Microbiology and Plant Pathology) by Author "Eichmeier, A."

Browsing Research Articles (Microbiology and Plant Pathology) by Author "Eichmeier, A."

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  • Guarnaccia, Vladimiro; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias; Woodhall, J.; Armengol, J.; Cinelli, T.; Eichmeier, A.; Ezra, D.; Fontaine, F.; Gramaje, D.; Gutierrez-Aguirregabiria, A.; Kaliterna, J.; Kiss, L.; Larignon, P.; Luque, J.; Mugnai, L.; Naor, V.; Raposo, R.; Sandor, E.; Vaczy, K.Z.; Crous, Pedro W. (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, 2018-02-19)
    Species of Diaporthe are considered important plant pathogens, saprobes, and endophytes on a wide range of plant hosts. Several species are well-known on grapevines, either as agents of pre- or post-harvest infections, ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Chooi, Y.-H.; Gilchrist, C.L.M.; Lacey, E.; Pitt, J.I.; Roets, F.; Swart, W.J.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Valenzuela-Lopez, N.; Hubka, V.; Shivas, R.G.; Stchigel, A.M.; Holdom, D.G.; Jurjevic, Z.; Kachalkin, A.V.; Lebel, T.; Lock, C.; Martín, M.P.; Tan, Y.P.; Tomashevskaya, M.A.; Vitelli, J.S.; Baseia, I.G.; Bhatt, V.K.; Brandrud, T.E.; De Souza, J.T.; Dima, B.; Lacey, H.J.; Lombard, L.; Morte, A.; Papp, V.; Rodríguez, A.; Rodríguez-Andrade, E.; Semwal, K.C.; Tegart, L.; Abad, Z.G.; Akulov, A.; Alvarado, P.; Alves, A.; Andrade, J.P.; Arenas, F.; Asenjo, C.; Ballara, J.; Barrett, M.D.; Berna, L.M.; Berraf-Tebbal, A.; Bianchinotti, M.V.; Bransgrove, K.; Burgess, T.I.; Carmo, F.S.; Chavez, R.; Cmokova, A.; Dearnaley, J.D.W.; De A. Santiago, A.L.C.M.; Freitas-Neto, J.F.; Denman, S.; Douglas, B.; Dovana, F.; Eichmeier, A.; Esteve-Raventos, F.; Farid, A.; Fedosova, A.G.; Ferisin, G.; Ferreira, R.J.; Ferrer, A.; Figueiredo, C.N.; Figueiredo, Y.F.; Reinoso- Fuentealba, C.G.; Garrido-Benavent, I.; Canete-Gibas, C.F.; Gil-Duran, C.; Glushakova, A.M.; Goncalves, M.F.M.; Gonzalez, M.; Gorczak, M.; Gorton, C.; Guard, F.E.; Guarnizo, A.L.; Guarro, J.; Gutierrez, M.; Hamal, P.; Hien, L.T.; Hocking, A.D.; Houbraken, J.; Hunter, G.C.; Inacio, C.A.; Jourdan, M.; Kapitonov, V.I.; Kelly, L.; Khanh, T.N.; Kisło, K.; Kiss, L.; Kiyashko, A.; Kolarík, M.; Kruse, J.; Kubatova, A.; Kucera, V.; Kucerova, I.; Kusan, I.; Lee, H.B.; Levican, G.; Lewis, A.; Liem, N.V.; Liimatainen, K.; Lim, H.J.; Lyons, M.N.; Macia-Vicente, J.G.; Magana- Duenas, V.; Mahiques, R.; Malysheva, E.F.; Marbach, P.A.S.; Marinho, P.; Matocec, N.; McTaggart, A.R.; Mesic, A.; Morin, L.; Munoz-Mohedano, J.M.; Navarro-Rodenas, A.; Nicolli, C.P.; Oliveira, R.L.; Otsing, E.; Ovrebo, C.L.; Pankratov, T.A.; Panos, A.; Paz-Conde, A.; Perez-Sierra, A.; Phosri, C.; Pintos, A.; Posta, A.; Prencipe, S.; Rubio, E.; Saitta, A.; Sales, L.S.; Sanhueza, L.; Shuttleworth, L.A.; Smith, J.; Smith, M.E.; Spadaro, D.; Spetik, M.; Sochor, M.; Sochorova, Z.; Sousa, J.O.; Suwannasa, N.; Tedersoo, L.; Thanh, H.M.; Thao, L.D.; Tkalcec, Z.; Vaghefi, N.; Vaghefi, N.; Venzhik, A.S.; Verbeken, A.; Vizzini, A.; Voyron, S.; Wainhouse, M.; Whalley, A.J.S.; Wrzosek, M.; Zapata, M.; Zeil-Rolfe, I.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Naturalis Biodiversity Center & Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, 2020)
    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antarctica, Cladosporium arenosum from marine sediment sand. Argentina, Kosmimatamyces alatophylus (incl. Kosmimatamyces gen. ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Cowan, Don A.; Maggs-Kolling, G.; Yilmaz, Neriman; Larsson, E.; Angelini, C.; Brandrud, T.E.; Dearnaley, J.D.W.; Dima, B.; Dovana, F.; Fechner, N.; García, D.; Gene, J.; Halling, R.E.; Houbraken, J.; Leonard, P.; Luangsa-ard, J.J.; Noisripoom, W.; Rea-Ireland, A.E.; Sevcíkova, H.; Smyth, C.W.; Vizzini, A.; Adam, J.D.; Adams, G.C.; Alexandrova, A.V.; Alizadeh, A.; Duarte, E. Alvarez; Andjic, V.; Antonín, V.; Arenas, F.; Assabgui, R.; Ballarà, J.; Banwell, A.; BerrafTebbal, A.; Bhatt, V.K.; Bonito, G.; Botha, W.; Burgess, T.I.; Cabon, M.; Calvert, J.; Carvalhais, L.C.; Courtecuisse, R.; Cullington, P.; Davoodian, N.; Decock, C.A.; Dimitrov, R.; Piazza, S. Di; Drenth, A.; Dumez, S.; Eichmeier, A.; Etayo, J.; Fernández, I.; Fiard, J.-P.; Fournier, J.; Fuentes-Aponte, S.; Ghanbary, M.A.T.; Ghorbani, G.; Giraldo, A.; Glushakova, A.M.; Gouliamova, D.E.; Guarro, J.; Halleen, F.; Hampe, F.; Hernandez-Restrepo, M.; Iturrieta-González, I.; Jeppson, M.; Kachalkin, A.V.; Karimi, O.; Khalid, A.N.; Khonsanit, A.; Kim, J.I.; Kim, K.; Kiran, M.; Krisai-Greilhuber, I.; Kucera, V.; Kusan, I.; Langenhoven, S.D.; Lebel, T.; Lebeuf, R.; Liimatainen, K.; Linde, C.; Lindner, D.L.; Lombard, L.; Mahamedi, A.E.; Matocec, N.; Maxwell, A.; May, T.W.; McTaggart, A.R.; Meijer, M.; Mesic, A.; Mileto, A.J.; Miller, A.N.; Molia, A.; Mongkolsamrit, S.; Munoz Cortes, C.; Munoz-Mohedano, J.; Morte, A.; Morozova, Olga V.; Mostert, L.; Mostowfizadeh-Ghalamfarsa, R.; Nagy, L.G.; Navarro-Ródenas, A.; Örstadius, L.; Overton, B.E.; Papp, V.; Para, R.; Peintner, U.; Pham, Thi Ha Giang; Pordel, A.; Pošta, A.; Rodríguez, A.; Romberg, M.; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Seifert, K.A.; Semwal, K.C.; Sewall, B.J.; Shivas, R.G.; Slovák, M.; Smith, K.; Spetik, M.; Spies, C.F.J.; Syme, K.; Tasanathai, K.; Thorn, R.G.; Tkalčec, Z.; Tomashevskaya, M.A.; Torres-Garcia, D.; Ullah, Z.; Visagie, Cobus M.; Voitk, A.; Winton, L.M.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, 2020-12)
    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Australia, Austroboletus asper on soil, Cylindromonium alloxyli on leaves of Alloxylon pinnatum, Davidhawksworthia quintiniae ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Hernandez-Restrepo, H.; Schumacher, R.K.; Cowan, Don A.; Maggs-Kolling, G.; Marais, E.; Wingfield, Michael J.; Yilmaz, Neriman; Adan, O.C.G.; Akulov, A.; Alvarez Duarte, E.; Berraf-Tebbal, A.; Bulgakov, T.S.; Carnegie, A.J.; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Decock, C.; Dijksterhuis, J.; Duong, Tuan A.; Eichmeier, A.; Hien, L.T.; Houbraken, J.A.M.P.; Khanh, T.N.; Liem, N.V.; Lombard, L.; Lutzoni, F.M.; Miadlikowska, J.M.; Nel, Wilma Janine; Pascoe, I.G.; Roets, F.; Roux, Jolanda; Samson, R.A.; Shen, M.; Spetik, M.; Thangavel, R.; Thanh, H.M.; Thao, L.D.; Van Nieuwenhuijzen, E.J.; Zhang, J.Q.; Zhang, Y.; Zhao, L.L.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute, 2021-04-28)
    An order, family and genus are validated, seven new genera, 35 new species, two new combinations, two epitypes, two lectotypes, and 17 interesting new host and / or geographical records are introduced in this study. Validated ...