South African Journal of Art History Volume 25 (2010)

South African Journal of Art History Volume 25 (2010)


Letter of Consent

South African Journal of Art History, Volume 25, Issue 1 (2010)
Barker, Arthur Heterotrophic syntheses : mediation in the domestic architecture of Gabriël Fagan
Coetzer, Nicholas Towards a dialogical design studio : mediating absurdities in undergraduate architectural education in South Africa
Janse Van Rensburg, Ariane Mediating between tradition and meaning in stained glass windows
Mare, Estelle Alma El Greco, a mediator of modern painting
Noble, Jonathan Editorial
Noble, J.A. Mediating public and private : three models of 'public space'
Olivier, Bert Images and mediation
Schmidt, Leoni Mediation through materiality in post-mediative practices
Steyn, Gerald From Bordeaux to Barcelona - Le Corbusier's creative journey that went unnoticed
Viljoen, Marga The body as mediator of the world : contributions of Merleau-Ponty and Don Ihde
South African Journal of Art History, Volume 25, Issue 2 (2010)
Auret, Hendrik Toward the poetic in architecture
De Klerk, Marna The life of Frédéric François Chopin - illustrated by stamps : essay
Fisher, Roger C. & Clarke, Nicholas J. Death, cremation and columbaria in the culture of Dutch Christian Calvinist South Africa
Fisher, Roger C. & Clarke, Nicholas J Gerard Moerdijk - death and memorializing in his architecture for the Afrikaner nationalist project
Konik, Adrian Time-images in Khyentse Norbu's Travellers and Magicians (2003) : the possibility of critical Buddhist cinema
Konik, Adrian & Konik, Inge Challenging the social sciences through the visual arts : reconsidering Foucault in the light of Field's Little Children (2006)
Labuschagne, Pieter Monument(al) meaning making in the "new" South Africa : Freedom Park as a symbol of a new identity and freedom?
Mare, Estelle Alma Can one "read" a visual work of art?
Mare, Estelle Alma Coincidentia oppositorum and hankan gõitso : aesthetic philosophies in the West and Japan - their similarities as expressed in architecture
Naude, Mauritz A typology for 'waenhuise' in the vernacular farm architecture of the trans-Vaal River region
Naude, Mauritz Circular structures and buildings associated with vernacular farm architecture and folk engineering
Redelinghuys, Ian & Stevens, Ingrid Making present the absent other : anamnesis and the work of Kiefer, Boltanski, Cruise and Coetzee
Schoeman, G.T What is out of sight and un-foreseeable : Pieter Hugo's filtered images
Tietze, Anna The problem of originality and value in the Lady Michaelis gifts to the South African National Gallery
South African Journal of Art History, Volume 25, Issue 3 (2010)
Deane, Darren R. The recovery of dialogue
Grobler, Andrea & Stevens, Ingrid Pornography, erotica, cyberspace and the work of two female artists
Mare, Estelle Alma Anatomy as an expressive medium : a muscular and an exalted body in El Greco's Christ Healing the Blind (1570-5)
Mare, Estelle Alma Editorial
Middleton, Lorraine & Breed, Ida Botanical gardens as experiential science and as living art : the relocation of the succulent section of the Manie van der Schijff Botanical Garden
Olivier, Bert AVATAR : ecopolitics, technology, science, art and myth
Roshko, Tijen A dirge for found : the role of science in interior design pedagogy
Steele, J., Ekosse, G-I & Jumbam, ND Comments on clay bodies used by two potters in the Port St Johns region of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Steyn, Gerald Le Corbusier's carpet projects on the French Coast - the continuous quest towards creating formulae for better place making
Stupples, Peter Neuroscience and the artist's mind
Van Heerden, Ariana Creativity, the flow state and brain function

Recent Submissions

  • Mare, Estelle Alma (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    Without clear articulation of their insights, except in painted copies of and citations from his works, various modern artists seem to have recognised that formally El Greco’s late paintings are mental constructs, representing ...
  • Steyn, Gerald (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    The evolution of Le Corbusier’s architecture from cuboid, slick and white forms, and the universality of Purism in the 1920s, to an earthy roughness, undeniabl[y] inspired by Mediterranean vernacular traditions after about ...
  • Redelinghuys, Ian; Stevens, Ingrid (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    It is possible that artists, in the making of memorials and monuments, might aid in the process of national healing after a traumatic national era or event. This, it is argued, is more likely to be achieved through the ...
  • Schmidt, Leoni (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    This article is based on a conference paper presented at the 2010 SAJAH Conference at the Faculty of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa. It poses some questions ...
  • Olivier, Bert (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    This paper focuses on the question of mediation via images. Its point of departure is the work of Kant on the mediation of human reality by the faculty of reason, including imagination and the forms of space and time, ...
  • Janse van Rensburg, Ariane (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    The medieval church used stained glass windows to mediate between Latin scripture and the illiterate laity. Following the Reformation, Calvinist tradition avoided visual symbolism. In the Afrikaans Dutch Reformed Church, ...
  • Noble, J.A. (Jonathan) (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    This paper is mindful of the increasingly complex mediations of public and private, and explores theoretical constructs gleaned from architectural thought and political theory, to derive ideas that are pertinent to our ...
  • Coetzer, Nicholas (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2011)
    The design studio is a key component of architectural education. In South African universities, the design studio tends to be dominated by what I call the Apprenticeship Studio. This teaching approach establishes the ...
  • Konik, Adrian; Konik, Inge (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    Taking as its point of departure the validity of Michel Foucault’s ideas concerning disciplinary power, bio-power, and the privileged position of sexuality as a focal point of their combination, this article furnishes a ...
  • Van Heerden, Ariana (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    There are various concepts of optimal human functioning such as creativity, flow, peak experience and self-actualization. With suggestions that creativity and flow are interrelated, and possibly even interchangeable, at ...
  • Naude, Mauritz (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    The rondavel has become a typical feature on farmsteads but it is not the only building with a circular floor plan. Several other structures also have a circular floor plan. In Western architecture we have become accustomed ...
  • Deane, Darren R. (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    The cultural richness that once made Leonardo’s "Paragone" possible quickly waned in the wake of the 18th century separation of natural science and fine art into competing systems of knowledge, leaving architects to contend ...
  • Mare, Estelle Alma (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    For Renaissance artists whose purpose was to portray human figures convincingly knowledge of anatomy, which is based on the dissection of bodies, was essential. In the case of El Greco, who received his first artistic ...
  • Steyn, Gerald (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    Whereas the merit of Le Corbusier’s Unites d’Habitation is still contentious, his contemporaneous unbuilt housing schemes on the French Coast are praised for their sensitivity towards history, climate and their sites, as ...
  • Roshko, Tijen (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    This paper discusses the fundamental pedagogical objectives and methodologies that were employed in a graduate level interior design studio to expand the boundaries of applicability of the profession and to encourage ...
  • Stupples, Peter (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    This paper is a heuristic attempt to put art back into nature by trying to understand the biological basis of mind and its relation to the world. This relationship is negotiated at a physiological level by primary consciousness ...
  • Steele, John; Ekosse, Georges-Ivo; Jumbam, Ndze Denis (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    This collaborative study has brought together our various backgrounds in art history, ceramics practice, chemistry, and clay mineralogy, so as to contextualise properties and ideas about the clay bodies used by octogenarian ...
  • Grobler, Andrea; Stevens, Ingrid (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    This article examines pornography and erotica as categories of representation, in which cultural and societal constructions and constrictions define the female body as passive and ‘other’ in relation to the male body. ...
  • Olivier, Bert (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    This paper is an ecopolitical interpretation of James Cameron’s recent film, "Avatar". By ‘ecopolitical’ is meant that the film is not merely ecologically significant – in so far as it stresses the vital interconnectedness ...
  • Naude, Mauritz (Art Historical Work Group of South Africa, 2010)
    The word ‘waenhuis’ has become synonymous for what is also referred to as a ‘wagon shed.’ Eventually, the term will disappear as the building’s association with wagons becomes less obvious. At the same time ‘waenhuise’ ...

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