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Pearse Collection: Recent submissions

  • Unknown (2009-06-12)
    Handdrawn sketch by an unknown artist depicting prof Geoffrey Eastcott Pearse. The medium appears to be sepia pencil on paper.
  • Unknown (2009-06-12)
    From the Pearse Collection: "Woman at her spinning wheel" by Esaias Boursse, 1661, on canvas, housed in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Painting depicting a typical Dutch interior, with a man and a woman sitting by a fireplace.
  • Interior 
    Janssens Elinga, Pieter (2009-06-12)
    From the Pearse Collection: "Interior" by Pieter Janssens Elinga, showing a typical Dutch interior with a woman sitting in a chair reading. The floor and ceiling are both of wooden boards; two leather-covered chairs flank ...
  • Unknown (2009-06-12)
    From the Pearse Collection: Painting, in the naive style, of a white woman and a small black boy at a table. The artist is unknown. The medium appears to be water-colour. The room, probably a kitchen, is furnished with ...
  • Fassler, John (1910-1971); Hanson, Norman Leonard (1909-1991); Pearse, Geoffrey Eastcott (1885-1968) (2009-06-02)
    Drawings of joinery details of the Cape Dutch house La Provence near French Hoek [Franschhoek], including a wall cupboard, an internal screen door, an escutcheon plate, and a door in the north front. The drawings were ...
  • Unknown; Elliot, Arthur, 1870-1938 (2009-05-08)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph by Arthur Elliot depicting a barrack room at The Castle of Good Hope.
  • Unknown; Neethling, J.H. (2009-05-08)
    From the Pearse Collection: a fireproof ceiling ("brandsolder") of the Magazine at Stellenbosch. Photograph probably considered for prof. Geoffrey Pearse's book "Eighteenth Century Architecture in South Africa", but never ...
  • Unknown (2009-05-07)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting the Cape Dutch interior of Groot Constantia. It has a chequered stone floor, and contains various pieces of furniture. These include two gateleg tables, a settee (riempiesbank), ...
  • Glassware 
    Unknown; English, Arthur (2009-05-07)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting a symmetrical arrangement of various glass objects. From the centre: a flask-like object with an early V.O.C. beaker in front; two engraved wine glasses, the one to the left ...
  • Unknown (2009-05-07)
    Photograph depicting various brass objects from the Koopmans de Wet House. Includes a jug, pitcher or urn, trays (salvers or patens), a caddie and a bed warmer. Photograph probably taken for prof. Geoffrey Pearse's book ...
  • Unknown (2009-05-05)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting a dining room in the Arts and Crafts style. A doorway leads to an entrance hall with a coat rack. A wooden picture rail runs around the room, and on the shelves are silver ...
  • Unknown (2009-05-05)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting a soaring wooden staircase. The interior has Arts and Crafts as well as Victorian characteristics. The spandrel framing consists of wood panelling. The ceiling appears to ...
  • Unknown (2009-05-05)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting the elaborately decorated silver Fairbairn Cup. Cups like these were only made at the Cape during the 2nd quarter of the 19th century, but the one depicted is probably of a ...
  • Unknown; Lynn Acutt (Pty.) Ltd. (2009-05-05)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting a simple gateleg table with cabriole legs and pad feet. On the table are two silver candelabra, each with two branches. Photograph probably considered for prof. Geoffrey ...
  • Unknown (2009-05-05)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting an Arts and Crafts interior with two doors seen from a hallway. Two rooms can be seen, one a bedroom and the other probably a dining room. The door frames and picture rail ...
  • Unknown (2009-05-05)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting an Arts and Crafts living room. A gateleg table and two Morris-style easy chairs can be seen. The brick and wood fireplace forms an inglenook with two built-in benches. The ...
  • Chair 
    Unknown (2009-05-05)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting a chair in the Chippendale taste, with the backsplats forming decorative hoops. The seat is upholstered in velvet, and the legs are straight. Photograph probably considered ...
  • Leith, Gordon (1886-1965) (2009-05-05)
    Painting by Gordon Leith entitled "Palace of the Arts", the entry with which he won the first Herbert Baker Scholar award in 1911. It depicts a Renaissance-style great hall with coffered vaults and marble Corinthian columns ...
  • Unknown (2009-05-05)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting a panelled Dutch interior with a plastered ceiling, and double doors flanked by two cupboards. The richly carved decoration of floral swags, wreaths and trophies appears to ...
  • Unknown; Elliot, Arthur, 1870-1938 (2009-05-05)
    From the Pearse Collection: photograph depicting the interior of the Cathedral Church of St. George the Martyr in Cape Town, inaugurated on 21 December 1834. Rows of pews can be seen in front, with an organ at the back. ...