Browsing UP Expert Lecture Series by Type "Text"

Browsing UP Expert Lecture Series by Type "Text"

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  • Crewe, Robin M.; De la Rey, Cheryl; University of Pretoria; De la Rey, Cheryl (University of Pretoria, 2010-08-26)
    The threat to honeybee populations in the USA, Europe and Latin America over the past few years has received extensive media attention.Yet, very little is said about African honeybee populations, even though honeybees ...
  • Muller, Julian C.; De la Rey, Cheryl; University of Pretoria (University of Pretoria, 2012-10-31)
    Teologie as 'n verhaal van twyfel en verbeelding moet in teenstelling met die tradisionele benadering tot teologie as 'n stelsel van proposisionele sekerhede verstaan word. Twyfel en verbeelding is 'n onafskeidbare deel ...
  • Howie, Sarah J. (University of Pretoria, 2011-08-04)
    GEHALTEONDERRIG VIR ALMAL - SUID-AFRIKA SE SOEKE NA DIE "HEILIGE GRAAL" ? aangebied deur prof Sarah Howie. Internasionale agentskappe fokus die afgelope twee dekades op "onderwys vir almal". Op 'n vasteland waar "onderwys ...
  • Pepper, Michael Sean; De la Rey, Cheryl; University of Pretoria (University of Pretoria, 2012-10-31)
    Die snel ontwikkelende terrein van stamselnavorsing skep voortdurend hoë verwagtinge by pasiënte. Stamselle is ongedifferensieerde selle wat die vermoë besit om hulself te hernu en wat deur differensiëring in al die ...
  • Heyns, C.H. (Christof H.); University of Pretoria; De la Rey, Cheryl (University of Pretoria, 2010-10-27)
    Human rights, as a set of norms that is applicable to everyone, everywhere, has been described as 'the idea of our time'. An expert from the University of Pretoria, Prof Christof Heyns, will pose the question in this UP ...