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Kinship (1)
KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) (1)
Labelling (1)
Laboratory diagnostic services (1)
Laboratory tests (1)
Lacan (1)
Laity (1)
Lament (1)
Laparoscopy (1)
Lawyer (1)
Lazarus and Folkman’s transactional theory of stress coping model (1)
Learning challenges (1)
Learning management systems (LMS) (1)
Learning programmes online (1)
Learning theories (1)
Lecturer (1)
Lecturers (1)
Legitimacy theory (1)
Leprosy (1)
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) (1)
Lessons learnt (1)
Levite (1)
LGBTQ people (1)
Liberal democracy (1)
Library service innovation (1)
Life camp (1)
Life orientation (1)
Liminality (1)
Limited resources (1)
Liturgy (1)
Live content (1)
Live events (1)
Local churches (1)
Local leadership (1)
Lockdown impact (1)
Lockdown restrictions (1)
Lockdown-related challenges (1)
Long COVID (1)
Long haulers (1)
Long term effects of COVID (1)
Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) (1)
Low socioeconomic groups (1)
Low-molecular weight heparin (LMWH) (1)
Lung injury (1)
Lymphopenia (1)
Macroaggressions (1)
Macrocyclic lactone (1)
Macrointerventions (1)
Main protease (1)
Makerspace (1)
Making change (1)
Making known (1)
Making plans (1)
Making space (1)
Malaria control (1)
Malaria elimination (1)
Malaysia (1)
Malnutrition (1)
Management (1)
Map design (1)
Marginalisation (1)
Marginalised groups (1)
Market position (1)
Marketing (1)
Martenal (1)
Masks (1)
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) (1)
Maternal and neonatal health care (MNH) (1)
Maternal, neonatal and children health (MNCH) (1)
Maternal, newborn, child, and women’s health (MNCWH) (1)
Maternal, sexual and reproductive health (MSRH) (1)
Maternity healthcare workers (1)
Maternity services (1)
Mathematical modeling and analysis (1)
Mean-squared prediction error (MSPE) (1)
Meaning (1)
Meaning and significance (1)
Mechanical ventilation (MV) (1)
Medeteenwoordigheid (1)
Mediatization (1)
Medical considerations (1)
Medical education (1)
Medical risk factors (1)
Medical science (1)
Medication (1)
Medicine and defence health (1)
Medicines (1)
Meniere’s disease (1)
Menslike immuniteitsgebreksvirus (MIV) (1)
Mental anxiety (1)
Mental health care system (1)
Mental health continuum short form (1)
Mentoring (1)
Meres indigentes (1)
Meta-analysis (1)
Metaphor (1)
Metapopulation model (1)
Methods (1)
Micro-credentials (MCRs) (1)
MIDAS models (1)