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Data sharing (1)
Death rates (1)
Decision making (1)
Decision sciences (1)
Decision support tool (1)
Decision-making capacity (1)
Decolonial (1)
Delayed presentation (1)
Deliberative public administration (1)
Delta variants (1)
Democracy (1)
Demography (1)
Department of Library Services (DLS) (1)
Dependence (1)
Destination (1)
Detoxification (1)
Development (1)
Dexamethasone (DEXA) (1)
Diagnoses (1)
Dialysis units (1)
Diarrhoeal diseases (1)
Diaspora (1)
Diclofenac (1)
Digital badges (1)
Digital communication technologies (1)
Digital evidence (1)
Digital forensics (1)
Digital media (1)
Digital proficiency (1)
Digital shift (1)
Digital-ready policies (1)
Digitale kommunikasietegnologieë (1)
Digits-in-noise (DIN) (1)
Disadvantaged communities (1)
Discernment (1)
Disciple making (1)
Discipleship (1)
Discounted money value of human lives lost (DMVHL) (1)
Disease (1)
Disease burden (1)
Disease emergence (1)
Disease prevention (1)
Disease severity (1)
Diseases (1)
Disinfection tunnels (1)
Disruption (1)
Distancing (1)
Diversity (1)
Diversity and inclusion (1)
Divine right (1)
Domestic animals (1)
Domestic resource mobilisation (1)
Domestic revenue mobilization (1)
Dramatic social change (DSC) (1)
Drinking water (1)
Drug policy (1)
Drugs (1)
Durban (1)
E-career (1)
E-career counselling (1)
E-learning (1)
e-Learning (1)
Early childhood development (ECD) (1)
Early release (1)
Ecclesial liberation (1)
Economic and management sciences articles SDG-08 (1)
Economic and management sciences articles SDG-13 (1)
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (1)
Economic fallout (1)
Economic measures (1)
Economic policy (1)
Economic response (1)
Economic value (1)
Economic well-being (1)
Economics (1)
Ecosystem services (ES) (1)
Edge effects (1)
Editorial (1)
Education 4.0 (1)
Education sector (1)