Browsing HTS Volume 60, Number 3 (2004) by Issue Date

Browsing HTS Volume 60, Number 3 (2004) by Issue Date

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  • Van der Watt, J.G. (Jan Gabriel), 1952- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    An analysis is made of different translations of gennavw in 1 John 5:1-4. The inconsistencies in and among translations are noted. The influence of the socio-cultural ecology as well as the literary and grammatical aspects ...
  • Schutte, P.J.W. (Philippus Jacobus Wilhelmus) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    The aim of this review article is to participate in the current “canon debate” among biblical scholars. The collection of essays, The Canon Debate, edited by Lee Martin McDonald and James A Sanders and published in November ...
  • De Villiers, D.E. (Dawid Etienne) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    According to the view of the Reformers Luther and Calvin work is a vocation of God. This article attemps to establish whether this view is still valid today. A number of factors that contribute to presentday Christians ...
  • Duncan, Graham A. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    Any society and its institutions are coercive. While acknowledging the invaluable contribution made by mission education towards the development of black South Africans, Lovedale Missionary Institution exemplifies the ...
  • Botha, Philippus Jacobus (Reformed Theological College, Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    The article presents a literary and social-scientific analysis of the text of Psalm 101. The ideological purpose of the text seems to have been more than a mere declaration of intent made by someone about to ascend the ...
  • Dreyer, Yolanda (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    In the postmodern world young people no longer accept the values advocated by the institutionalised church as unquestionably relevant to their lives, one of the reasons for this being that the supremacy of the Christian ...
  • Van Rooy, Harry F. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    In 2001 a new Afrikaans metrical Psalter was published. Although being severely criticised in some circles, it is being used by a number of churches. One of the major criticisms is that it omitted the Messiah from the ...
  • Beukes, C.J. (Cornelius Johannes); Beukes, Johann (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    Philosopher Michel Foucault’s work has become a major strand of what is often referred to as “postmodern theology”. The wider relevance of his work for theology nevertheless still remains unexamined. This contribution ...
  • Manala, Matsobane J. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    Witchcraft is presented as a threat to the life and well-being of the people of Africa, their embracement of Christianity notwithstanding. This article seeks to highlight the negative impact of witchcraft beliefs and ...
  • Viviers, Hendrik (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    Eco-justness determines whether the earth and her inhabitants are treated in their own right as subjects, and not only as objects to be acted upon. At first glance it seems as if Psalm 148 is eco-just. The poet encompasses ...
  • Spies, Lina (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    This article concentrates on one of the great achievements of postmodernism regarding theology: the highlighting of the inseparable relation between religion and poetry. The article argues that, as we are unable to fashion ...
  • Van Wyk, I.W.C. (Ignatius William Charles) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    This article is a theological contribution aimed at creating an understanding of the phenomenon of witchcraft in South Africa. Witchcraft still causes major social problems in this country. The article argues that the ...
  • Vos, C.J.A. (Casparus Johannes Adam), 1945- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    In many ways the psalms fulfill a bridging function between divergent denominations that previously avoided each other. In the Hebrew text of the Psalter most of the psalms bear clear titles. None of the titles of the ...
  • Le Roux, J.H. (Jurie Hendrik), 1944- (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    This article focuses on Max Weber’s views on the power of religious ideas. Ideas shape the world by creating groups following their own interests. Weber also illustrates how one idea (the covenant) shaped Israel into a ...
  • Spangenberg, I.J.J. (Izak J.J.) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    In recent years a number of scholars argued that the bulk of the Old Testament originated during the Persian and Hellenistic eras. The literature thus is the product of elite groups living in Yehud. They created a “history ...
  • Van Aarde, A.G. (Andries G.) (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    Postcolonial hermeneutics is concerned with linguistic, cultural and geographical transfer. Within the framework of biblical studies it explores strategies of interpreting texts from the situation of previously colonised ...
  • Kotze, Zacharias (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    This article reviews several approaches to the study of anger in the Old Testament. It focuses on the use of methodology in these trends with specific reference to the common neglect of Classical Hebrew terminology and ...
  • Ingram, Riaan (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    In light of the contemporary epistemological discussion with regard to historical Jesus-studies and historiography in general, recent scholarship proposes that historical criticism and creativity should be combined to form ...
  • Steyn, Gert Jacobus (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    The origin and text form of Psalm 45:6-7 (44:7-8) in Hebrews 1:8-9 are investigated. On a tradition-historical level it is established that Psalm 45:1-2b was quoted in 4Q171 in early Judaism, but in early Christianity, ...
  • Masango, Maake J.S. (Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria, 2004)
    This article traces the roots of aggression, anger and violence in South Africa and the rest of the world. The paper is divided into four parts: Aggression, Anger, Catharsis and Violence. As a result of violence against ...