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World Veterinary Day 2016 (2)
Zoonoses (2)
"I Wanna Be A Vet"-initiative (1)
16th International Veterinary Radiology Association Meeting (1)
2021 Prize for Global Research of the Province of Antwerp (1)
2022 OPVSC (1)
Aardvark (1)
AAVMC Excellence in Research Award (1)
Advanced Course in Wildlife Chemical Immobilisation and Field Practice (1)
Africa Geographic (1)
African Ground pangolin (1)
African hoofed mammals -- Viral diseases (1)
African Pangolin Working Group (1)
African parks (1)
African Union Kwame Nkrumah Regional Award (1)
African White-backed vulture (1)
AfriVet (1)
Agavaceae (Agave) (1)
Agricultural schools (1)
Air-purifying plants (1)
Alternative treatments (1)
Alumni (1)
Anatomoulds (1)
Ancient human diseases (1)
Animal abuse (1)
Animal behavior (1)
Animal care (1)
Animal diseases (1)
Animal fear (1)
Animal mobility (1)
Animal physical therapy (1)
Animal product quality (1)
Animal rehabilitation (1)
Animal sterilisation (1)
Animal underwater treadmill (1)
Animal welfare -- South Africa (1)
Animals -- Blood transfusions (1)
Annual Donkey Workshop, 2012 (1)
Apprentesses Leadership 2015 finalists (1)
Aquatic pollution (1)
Araceae (Arum) (1)
Arid mammals -- Africa (1)
Arnold Theiler Memorial lecture (1)
Assisted reproductive technologies (1)
Australopithecus (1)
Avian disease (1)
Avian reproductive behaviour (1)
Award ceremony 2019 (1)
AXIM Pty Ltd (1)
Bababulile Primary School community engagement project (1)
Babesiosis (1)
Bath, Gareth -- Award (1)
Beagles (1)
Beagles -- Onderstepoort (1)
Beef bulls -- Reproduction (1)
Bela Bela Secondary School (1)
Belgian Technical Cooperation (1)
Best farming practices (1)
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (1)
Bird parks (1)
Black impala (1)
Blesbok (1)
Blood flow (1)
Boikgantsho Primary School (1)
Bovine brucellosis (1)
Bovine brucellosis -- Diagnostic services (1)
Bovine tuberculosis -- Diagnostic services (1)
Bovine tuberculosis research (1)
Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER) test (1)
Breeding (1)
Breeding rate (1)
Brucella abortus (1)
BTB (1)
Buffaloes (1)
Building project 2013 (1)
Bush meat trade (1)
BVSc graduates -- South Africa (1)
Caesarean section (CS) (1)
Candidiasis (1)
Canine (1)