1906 Report of the Government Veterinary Bacteriologist of the Transvaal 1906 - 1907

1906 Report of the Government Veterinary Bacteriologist of the Transvaal 1906 - 1907


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Letter of transmittal 1

Comments on the various articles in section 5 1


(a) Gouw-ziekte 21

(b) Stiff sickness, or three days' sickness 22

(c) Internal parasites 23


(a) Microscopical and pathological anatomical examinations 23

(b) Returns relating to calf vaccine lymph 34

(c) Returns of issues of horsesickness serum 35

(d) Returns of issues of quarter evil vaccine (sponsziekte) 35

(e) Returns of issues of bluetongue vaccine 35

(f) Publications, staff, etc. 36

(g) Administration report 37


(a) Further notes on Piroplasma mutans : a new species of Piroplasma in South African cattle 45

(b) Experiments with English and South African redwater 62

(c) Transmission experiments with East Coast fever 70

(d) Result of horsesickness inoculation in practice during 1906-1907 85

(e) Further notes on immunity in horsesickness 89

(f) Immunisation of mules with inadequate and adequate serum and virus, and the immunity obtained therefrom 162

(g) Inoculation of mules with polyvalent virus and serum 192

(h) Continuation of experiments for inoculation against equine piroplasmosis (biliary fever) 214

(i) Inoculation of sheep against bluetongue and the results in practice 263

Recent Submissions

  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria: Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
    The full history of the treatment accorded to each animal is apparent from the tables. Conclusion : These experiments show conclusively that when a horse or mule is inoculated with a certain strain of virus, the animal, ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria: Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
    Conclusion:-The immunisation against a polyvalent virus with an adequate serum produces immunity which protects against any of its constituents. The immunity is strong enough to prevent a reaction in the majority of cases, ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria: Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria: Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
    The results of the experiments show very clearly the advantage that vaccinated sheep have over susceptible animals.
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria: Government Printng and Stationery Office, 1908)
    Conclusions: Rhipicephalus decoloratus and amblyomma hebraeum must not be considered as hosts of piroplasma parvum. Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, evertsi, capensis, simus, and, according to Lounsbury, also nitens, must be ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Orpen, J.M.; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria: Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936 (Pretoria: Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
    Experiment 1 was the infection of animals known to be immune against redwater with piroplasma mutans. Experiment 2 was heifers infected with blue larval ticks in thew first instance, causing a pure infection of piroplasme ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Parkes, E.B.H.; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria: Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
    Conclusions: (1) The inoculation of animals with horse foal blood of 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations caused a mortality of 7 out of 186, or 4 per cent. (2) The inoculation of animals with horse foal blood of 4th, 5th, 6th, ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria: Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
    Conclusions: l. The simultaneous injection of serum 0 and adequate virus resulted in typical horse-sickness reactions, and the immunity obtained therefrom prevented a reaction when the adequate virus is subsequently ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)
    Conclusions: It would be seen from these notes that of four animals inoculated with English redwater, two failed to react or to show piroplasms, and in the other two instances a reaction ensued, accompanied with the ...
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936; Transvaal Department of Agriculture (Pretoria : Government Printer and Stationery Office, 1908)
  • Theiler, Arnold, Sir, 1867-1936 (Pretoria : Government Printing and Stationery Office, 1908)