Skaf die hele D.P.W. af, sê mnr. Moerdyk : set klein administratiewe liggaam in sy plek

Show simple item record Unknown 2006-09-15T08:53:30Z 2006-09-15T08:53:30Z 1929-10-30
dc.description.abstract AFRIKAANS SUMMARY: Argitek Gerard Moerdyk [Gerard Moerdijk] pleit dat die Departement van Openbare Werke afgeskaf moet word en dat private argitekte toegelaat moet word om skeppende openbare geboue te ontwerp en lys die nadele verbonde aan 'n instansie soos die D.O.W. en
dc.description.abstract ENGLISH SUMMARY: Architect Gerard Moerdyk [Gerard Moerdijk] pleads for the Department of Public Works to be abolished, and that private architects should be allowed to design public buildings and lists the disadvantages of an authority like the D.P.W.
dc.format.extent 694400 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en
dc.publisher Vaderland en
dc.relation.ispartofseries CD6 en
dc.relation.ispartofseries MDK0078T en
dc.rights Complies with rights as specified by the collection administrator. en
dc.subject Departement van Openbare Werke en
dc.subject Department of Public Works en
dc.subject Magistraatskantore en
dc.subject Magistrates courts en
dc.subject Standerton en
dc.subject Pretoria Meisies Hoerskool en
dc.subject Pretoria Girls High School en
dc.subject Rees-Poole, Vivian Sydney en
dc.subject Pilkington, Henry Lionel Gordon en
dc.subject Moerdijk, Gerard en
dc.subject Pretoria en
dc.subject Moerdyk, Gerard
dc.title Skaf die hele D.P.W. af, sê mnr. Moerdyk : set klein administratiewe liggaam in sy plek en
dc.title.alternative Get rid of the Department of Public Works, says mr. Moerdyk : replace it with a small administrative body [translated from the Afrikaans] en
dc.type Newspaper clipping en

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