Children and race in South African magazine advertising : pre- and post- apartheid

Show simple item record North, Ernest J. Millard, Sollie M. 2008-09-29T07:13:15Z 2008-09-29T07:13:15Z 2003
dc.description.abstract This article reviews how South African marketers portray children in magazine advertisements in two very distinct periods in the country's history, namely before and after the ANC government came into power in 1994. A longitudinal study (over a 17 -year period) was conducted to determine the incidence, and how marketers in the new South Africa depict children of different races in full page magazine advertisements. The relevance of the findings for South African marketers is highlighted and suggestions for further research are proposed. AFRIKAANS: Hierdie artikel gee 'n oorsig van die gebruik van kindermodelle in tydskrifreklame vóór en na die ANC-regering in 1994 aan bewind gekom het. 'n Longitudinale studie is oor 'n 17-jaar tydperk onderneem om onder meer vas te stel wat die voorkomssyfers is, asook die wyse waarop bemarkers kinders van verskillende rasse in volblad-tydskrifadvertensies uitbeeld. Die relevansie van die studie vir Suid Afrikaanse bemarkers word uitgelig, en voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing word gemaak. en
dc.identifier.citation North, E & Millard, S 2003, 'Children and race in South African magazine advertising: pre- and post- apartheid', Ecquid Novi, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 37-54. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0256-0054
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Innovatio Publishers (Germany), Media Tenor (South Africa) and the Institute for Media Analysis in South Africa (Imasa) en
dc.rights Innovatio Publishers (Germany), Media Tenor (South Africa) and the Institute for Media Analysis in South Africa (Imasa). All rights reserved. Other than for your personal, non-commercial use, you may not copy, reproduce, reproduce by means of electronic systems, distribute, display, republish or otherwise use this content without prior written authorization from the publisher. en
dc.subject Advertising en
dc.subject Children en
dc.subject Content analysis en
dc.subject Magazines en
dc.subject Marketing en
dc.subject Mixed-race advertisements en
dc.subject South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh Children in advertising en
dc.subject.lcsh Advertising, Magazine -- South Africa en
dc.subject.lcsh South Africa -- Race relations en
dc.title Children and race in South African magazine advertising : pre- and post- apartheid en
dc.type Article en

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