Lack of glycolate oxidase1, but not glycolate oxidase2, attenuates the photorespiratory phenotype of catalase2-deficient Arabidopsis

Show simple item record Kerchev, Pavel Waszczak, Cezary Lewandowska, Aleksandra Willems, Patrick Shapiguzov, Alexey Li, Zhen Alseekh, Saleh Muhlenbock, Per Hoeberichts, Frank A. Huang, Jingjing Van der Kelen, Katrien Kangasjarvi, Jaakko Fernie, Alisdair R. De Smet, Riet Van de Peer, Yves Messens, Joris Van Breusegem, Frank 2016-09-20T08:05:20Z 2016-09-20T08:05:20Z 2016-07
dc.description Supplemental Figure S1. GOX1 and GOX2 gene models. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Figure S2. Read coverage of GOX1 and GOX2 loci from RNA-seq analysis of cat2-2 gox1-1, cat2-2, and cat2-2 gox2-1 mutants. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Figure S3. Heat map of differentially expressed transcripts (|log2 FC| . 1, FDR , 0.05) between cat2-2 gox1-1, cat2-2 gox2-1, and cat2-2 mutants under control high CO2 conditions aimed at inhibiting the photorespiratory flux. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Figure S4. Redox status of Col-0, cat2-2, cat2-2 gox1-1, and cat2-2 gox2-1 plants grown under ambient air and moderate light intensity (300 mmol m22 s 21 ). en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Figure S5. Nonphotochemical quenching and phosphorylation of LHCBII upon exposure of Col-0, gox1-1, and gox2-1 plants grown under conditions limiting photorespiration to high light. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Figure S6. GOX1 and GOX2 genes in Brassicaceae are clustered as monophyly in the gene tree of ORTHO03D000507 from PLAZA 3.0 dicots. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Figure S7. Extractable leaf GOX activity. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Figure S8. GOX1 and GOX2 transcript abundance. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Table S1. Maximum likelihood estimates of parameters under branch models on both postduplication branches leading to the GOX1 and GOX2 clades. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Table S2. Likelihood ratio tests for comparing different branch models applied to both postduplication branches leading to the GOX1 and GOX2 clades. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Table S3. The modified branch-site models for detecting positive selection on six branches after the duplication event leading to GOX2 in Arabidopsis. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Table S4. List of primers used in this study. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Table S5. Mutations enriched in line 238.3. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Table S6. Data sources and sequence accessions. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Data Set 1. RNA-seq results. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Data Set 2. List of transcripts that responded to the photorespiratory stress treatment in a genotype-specific manner. en_ZA
dc.description Supplemental Data Set 3. Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (http:// of the transcripts that responded to the photorespiratory stress treatment in a genotype-specific manner. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract The genes coding for the core metabolic enzymes of the photorespiratory pathway that allows plants with C3-type photosynthesis to survive in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, have been largely discovered in genetic screens aimed to isolate mutants that are unviable under ambient air. As an exception, glycolate oxidase (GOX) mutants with a photorespiratory phenotype have not been described yet in C3 species. Using Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking the peroxisomal CATALASE2 (cat2-2) that display stunted growth and cell death lesions under ambient air, we isolated a second-site loss-of-function mutation in GLYCOLATE OXIDASE1 (GOX1) that attenuated the photorespiratory phenotype of cat2-2. Interestingly, knocking out the nearly identical GOX2 in the cat2-2 background did not affect the photorespiratory phenotype, indicating that GOX1 and GOX2 play distinct metabolic roles.We further investigated their individual functions in single gox1-1 and gox2-1 mutants and revealed that their phenotypes can be modulated by environmental conditions that increase the metabolic flux through the photorespiratory pathway. High light negatively affected the photosynthetic performance and growth of both gox1-1 and gox2-1 mutants, but the negative consequences of severe photorespiration were more pronounced in the absence of GOX1, which was accompanied with lesser ability to process glycolate. Taken together, our results point toward divergent functions of the two photorespiratory GOX isoforms in Arabidopsis and contribute to a better understanding of the photorespiratory pathway. en_ZA
dc.description.department Genetics en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2016 en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Kerchev, P, Waszczak, C, Lewandowska, A, Willems, P, Shapiguzov, A, Li, Z, Alseekh, S, Muhlenbock, P, Hoeberichts, FA, Huang, J, Van der Kelen, K, Kangasjarvi, J, Fernie, AR, De Smet, R, Van de Peer, Y, Messens, J & Van Breusegem, F 2016, 'Lack of glycolate oxidase1, but not glycolate oxidase2, attenuates the photorespiratory phenotype of catalase2-deficient Arabidopsis', Plant Physiology, vol. 171, pp. 1704-1719. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 0032-9452 (Print)
dc.identifier.issn 1873-2259 (online)
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher American Society of Plant Biologists en_ZA
dc.rights © 2016 American Society of Plant Biologists en_ZA
dc.subject Genetic screens en_ZA
dc.subject Genes coding en_ZA
dc.subject Plants en_ZA
dc.subject Photorespiratory pathway en_ZA
dc.subject Glycolate oxidase (GOX) en_ZA
dc.title Lack of glycolate oxidase1, but not glycolate oxidase2, attenuates the photorespiratory phenotype of catalase2-deficient Arabidopsis en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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