1938 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 11, 1938

1938 Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Science and Animal Industry, Volume 11, 1938


Contentes Pages: Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, Vol ??, 19??


Volume 11: Number 1

Section I: Virus Diseases

Studies on the neurotropic virus of horsesickness VI. Propagation in the developing chick embryo Alexander, RA 9

Section II: Parasitology

South African helminths. Part III. Some mammalian and avian cestodes Ortlepp, RJ 23

South African helminths. Part IV. Cestodes from Columbiformes Ortlepp, RJ 51

South African helminths. Part V. Some avian and mammalian helminths Ortlepp, RJ 63

Section III: Mineral Metabolism and Deficiency

Sulphur metabolism. VI. The effect of various levels of fats and proteins in the ration on the toxicity of elementary sulphur Kellerman, JH 107

Sulphur metabolism. VII. The effect of the acid-base balance of the ration on the toxicity of elementary sulphur Kellerman, JH 113

Sulphur metabolism. VIII. The effect of incomplete rations on the toxicity elementary sulphur Kellerman, JH 121

Section IV: Nutrition

The endogenous nitrogen metabolism of sheep with special reference to the maintenance requirement of protein

Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC


The basal metabolism of 3 to 4 weeks old White Leghorn chickens Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC 141

Plant proteins. III. The supplementary effect amongst certain plant proteins Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC 151

Section V: Plant Physiology and Poisonous Plants

The influence of frequency of cutting on yield, chemical composition, digestibility and nutritive value of some grass species Louw, JG 163

Section VI: Toxicology

The toxicity of some dipping fluids containing arsenic and sulphur Steyn, DG & Bekker, PM 247

Volume 11: Number 2

Section I: Virus Diseases

Immunization against Rinderpest, with special reference to the use of dried goat spleen Pfaff, G 263

Section II: Bacteriology

The isolation of Cl. welchii, type B, from foals affected with dysentery Mason, JH & Robinson, EM 333

Section III: Physiology

Studies on the alimentary tract of Merino sheep in South Africa. IV. Description of experimental technique Quin, JI, Van der Wath, JG & Myburgh, S 341

Studies on the alimentary tract of Merino sheep in South Africa. V. The motility of the rumen under various conditions Quin, JI & Van der Wath, JG 361

Section IV: Chemical Pathology

Coproporphyrin excretion in East Coast Fever of cattle Roets, GCS 385

Section V: Nutrition

Plant proteins. IV. The biological values of soyabeans, linseedmeal and soyabeans supplemented by cystine Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC 391

Plant proteins. V. The biological value of lucerne and lucerne supplemented by cystine in sheep Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC 399

Plant proteins. VI. The amino acid deficiencies in certain plant proteins Smuts, DB & Marais, JSC 407

Section VI: Haematology

The blood of the ostrich De Villiers, OT 419

Author index 505

Subject index 506

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