Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What host movement matters for infectious agent circulation?

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dc.contributor.author Boulinier, Thierry
dc.contributor.author Kada, Sarah
dc.contributor.author Ponchon, Aurore
dc.contributor.author Dupraz, Marlène
dc.contributor.author Dietrich, Muriel
dc.contributor.author Gamble, Amandine
dc.contributor.author Bourret, Vincent
dc.contributor.author Duriez, Olivier
dc.contributor.author Bazire, Romain
dc.contributor.author Tornos, Jérémy
dc.contributor.author Tveraa, Torkild
dc.contributor.author Chambert, Thierry
dc.contributor.author Garnier, Romain
dc.contributor.author McCoy, Karen
dc.date.accessioned 2016-05-11T15:08:54Z
dc.date.issued 2016-06
dc.description.abstract Spatial disease ecology is emerging as a new field that requires the integration of complementary approaches to address how the distribution and movements of hosts and parasites may condition the dynamics of their interactions. In this context, migration, the seasonal movement of animals to different zones of their distribution, is assumed to play a key role in the broad scale circulation of parasites and pathogens. Nevertheless, migration is not the only type of host movement that can influence the spatial ecology, evolution and epidemiology of infectious diseases. Dispersal, the movement of individuals between the location where they were born or bred to a location where they breed, has attracted attention as another important type of movement for the spatial dynamics of infectious diseases. Host dispersal has notably been identified as a key factor for the evolution of hostparasite interactions as it implies gene flow among local host populations and thus can alter patterns of coevolution with infectious agents across spatial scales. However, not all movements between host populations lead to dispersal per se. One type of host movement that has been neglected, but that may also play a role in parasite spread is prospecting, i.e. movements targeted at selecting and securing new habitat for future breeding. Prospecting movements, which have been studied in detail in certain social species, could result in the dispersal of infectious agents among different host populations without necessarily involving host dispersal. In this paper, we outline how these various types of host movements might influence the circulation of infectious disease agents and discuss methodological approaches that could be used to assess their importance. We specifically focus on examples from work on colonial seabirds, ticks and tick-borne infectious agents. These are convenient biological models because they are strongly spatially structured and involve relatively simple communities of interacting species. Overall, this review emphasizes that explicit consideration of the behavioral and population ecology of hosts and parasites is required to disentangle the relative roles of different types of movement for the spread of infectious diseases. en_ZA
dc.description.department Microbiology and Plant Pathology en_ZA
dc.description.embargo 2017-06-30
dc.description.librarian hb2016 en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship ANR (EVEMATA and ESPEVEC grants, respectively ANR-11-BSV7- 003 and ANR-13-BSV7-0018), French Polar Institute (IPEV) programs n°333 (PARASITOARCTIQUE)and n°1151 (ECOPATH), OSU OREME and ZATA. National Research Foundation, South Africa (NRF - N00595). R.G. AXA Research Fund.LabEx CeMEB (Mediterranean Centre for Environment and Biodiversity). en_ZA
dc.description.uri http://icb.oxfordjournals.org en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Boulinier, T, Kada, S, Ponchon, T, Dupraz, M, Dietrich, M, Gamble, A, Bourret, V, Duriez, O, Bazire, R, Tornos, J, Tvera, T, Chambert, T, Garnier, R & McCoy, K 2016, 'Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What host movement matters for infectious agent circulation?', Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 330-342. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1540-7063 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1557-7023 (online)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/52577
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Oxford University Press en_ZA
dc.rights © 2016 Oxford University Press. This is a pre-copy-editing, author-produced PDF of an article accepted for publication in Integrative and Comparative Biology following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version is : Title, Integrative and Comparative Biology, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 330-342, 2016, doi : , is available online at : http://icb.oxfordjournals.org. en_ZA
dc.subject Metapopulation en_ZA
dc.subject Transmission en_ZA
dc.subject Dynamic social networks en_ZA
dc.subject Vector-borne agents en_ZA
dc.subject Colonial seabirds en_ZA
dc.subject Ticks en_ZA
dc.title Migration, prospecting, dispersal? What host movement matters for infectious agent circulation? en_ZA
dc.type Postprint Article en_ZA

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