The jagged paths to multicultural education : interpersonal experiences and South Africa's response in the new dispensation

Show simple item record Vandeyar, Saloshna 2008-04-17T12:33:25Z 2008-04-17T12:33:25Z 2003
dc.description.abstract An ideal form of multicultural education is one that not only recognizes and acknowledges diversity, practices tolerance and respect of human rights, but works to liberate cultures that have been subjugated. Such an education would go beyond being "nice to those less fortunate" to working to promote equality of cultural trade. For what it is worth, pre-1994 multicultural education in South Africa did recognize diversity, but it was diversity as a strategy for containment. It was of a variety that was exclusionary in nature and constituted a cruel inscription of those colonized "Others" into the mainstream. From here, international experiences of multicultural education do not offer much inspiration. Multicultural education in the US, Canada, UK , and Australia is driven and fuelled in large part by an assimilationist agenda that denies authenticity to the marginalized cultures. In the South African situation, the Constitution, which is hinged on ten powerful principles, seeks to promote tolerance and respect for all cultures and to promote common values across the rainbow nation of South Africa. However, there is no attempt at this point to valorize the content of the culture of the different groups. This paper argues that silence is also policy. South Africa should therefore work towards a deeper and proactive diagnosis of the content of the culture of its diverse peoples and find spaces for dialogue based on equity within the education system. In order to do this, deeper analysis of the forms of cultural violence, their alibis, etc. that characterized the apartheid system, but which is now couched as mainstream, needs to be undertaken. In this regard, emerging perspectives from the South African History Project and the Indigenous Knowledge Systems movement, (especially its message of transcendence and cultural healing) need to be considered. en
dc.format.extent 260670 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.identifier.citation Vandeyar, S 2003, 'The jagged paths to multicultural education : interpersonal experiences and South Africa's response in the new dispensation', South African Journal of Education, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 193-198. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0256-0100
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Education Association of South Africa (EASA) en
dc.rights Education Association of South Africa (EASA) en
dc.subject Multicultural education en
dc.subject South Africa en
dc.subject Cultural diversity en
dc.subject Respect en
dc.subject Tolerance en
dc.subject Human rights en
dc.subject South African History Project en
dc.subject Values en
dc.subject Indigenous knowledge en
dc.subject Equity en
dc.subject.lcsh Multicultural education
dc.subject.lcsh South Africa
dc.subject.lcsh Multiculturalism
dc.title The jagged paths to multicultural education : interpersonal experiences and South Africa's response in the new dispensation en
dc.type Article en

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