Analysis of traditional Pedi religious songs for curricular application in primary school

Show simple item record Lebaka, M.E.K. (Morakeng Edward Kenneth) 2015-02-19T10:12:09Z 2015-02-19T10:12:09Z 2014-12
dc.description.abstract The Bapedi is an ethnic group in South Africa whose traditional music is not welldocumented. For this article, 31 traditional Pedi religious songs from 11 elderly Bapedi women in Sekhukhune, Limpopo Province, South Africa were collected and analysed. They were analysed using religious, musicological and contextual perspectives, and two choruses were selected. Eight Sepedi-speaking children from a school choir at Baxoxele Primary School in Soshanguve were observed whilst learning these two choruses. Repetition was used as a powerful, rhetorical and expressive device, skilfully employed to express and internalise faith and to impart dominant emotions. Informal discussions with teachers indicated that the children showed an improvement in their concentration and attitude to schoolwork. Learning these two choruses also unlocked some creative talent and improved their social skills. The joyous nature, rhythmic foundation, harmonic simplicity, and combination of intellect and emotion as well as the repetitiveness and briefness of these songs appealed to both children and adults. It was concluded that for the preservation of traditional Pedi religious music and culture there is an urgent need for the collection and documentation of traditional Pedi religious songs. In recognising their identity, such songs could contribute to the attitudes and cultural values of Sepedi-speaking children. Similar projects are suggested for the other 10 language groups in South Africa. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Analisering van tradisionele godsdienstige Pedi-liedere vir gebruik in die laerskool kurrikulum. Die Bapedi is ’n etniese groep in Suid-Afrika wie se tradisionele musiek nie goedgedokumenteer is nie. Vir hierdie artikel is 31 tradisionele godsdienstige Pedi-liedere van 11 bejaarde Bapedi vroue in Sekhukhune, Limpopo Provinsie, Suid-Afrika, ingesamel en ontleed. Hierdie liedere is volgens godsdienstige, musiekwetenskaplike en kontekstuele perspektiewe ontleed en twee kore uit die liedere is daarna gekies. Agt Sepedi-sprekende kinders van die Baxoxele Primêre Skool in Soshanguve se skoolkoor, is waargeneem terwyl hulle hierdie twee kore aangeleer het. Herhaling is gebruik as ’n kragtige, retoriese en betekenisvolle hulpmiddel, vaardig toegepas om uitdrukking aan geloof te gee en ’n verdieping daarvan te bewerkstellig sowel as om grootliks emosie daaraan te verleen. Informele gesprekke met onderwysers het aangedui dat die kinders se konsentrasie en hulle houding teenoor skoolwerk verbeter het. Die aanleer van hierdie twee kore het ook hulle kreatiwiteitstalent ontsluit en hulle sosiale vaardighede verbeter. Die vrolike en ritmiese aard, harmoniese eenvoud, die kombinasie van intellek en emosie sowel as die herhaling en bondigheid van hierdie kore het ’n effek op kinders sowel as volwassenes gehad. Die gevolgtrekking was dat daar ’n dringende behoefte is om soortgelyke liedere te versamel en te dokumenteer met die doel om tradisionele godsdienstige Pedi-musiek en -kultuur behoue te laat bly. Deur erkenning te gee aan die aard van sulke liedere kan bygedra word tot ’n positiewe houding van Sepedi-sprekende kinders teenoor kulturele waardes. Soortgelyke projekte vir liedere van die ander 10 taalgroepe in Suid-Afrika word voorgestel. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract musicological and contextual perspectives en_ZA
dc.description.librarian hb2015 en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Lebaka, M.E.K., 2014, ‘Analysis of traditional Pedi religious songs for curricular application in primary school’, In die Skriflig 48(1), Art. #1822, 8 pages. en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 1018-6441 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 2305-0853 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.4102/ids.v48i1.1822
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher AOSIS Open Journals en_ZA
dc.rights © 2014. The Authors.Licensee: AOSIS OpenJournals. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License. en_ZA
dc.subject Pedi religious songs en_ZA
dc.subject Bapedi en_ZA
dc.subject Godsdienstige Pedi-liedere en_ZA
dc.subject Godsdienstige perspektiewe en_ZA
dc.subject Musiekwetenskaplike perspektiewe en_ZA
dc.subject Kontekstuele perspektiewe en_ZA
dc.subject Religious perspectives en_ZA
dc.subject Musicological perspectives en_ZA
dc.subject Contextual perspectives en_ZA
dc.subject Cultural values en_ZA
dc.subject Atitudes en_ZA
dc.subject Sepedi-speaking children en_ZA
dc.subject Sepedi-sprekende kinders en_ZA
dc.subject Positiewe houding en_ZA
dc.subject Kulturele waardes en_ZA
dc.title Analysis of traditional Pedi religious songs for curricular application in primary school en_ZA
dc.title.alternative Analisering van tradisionele godsdienstige Pedi-liedere vir gebruik in die laerskool kurrikulum en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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