Vonnisbespreking : Hoe om ’n komparant se brouwerk reg te maak

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dc.contributor.author Lotz, Johan
dc.date.accessioned 2014-06-06T09:17:42Z
dc.date.available 2014-06-06T09:17:42Z
dc.date.issued 2013-12
dc.description.abstract Contrary to the common intention of a transferor (Schmidt) and transferee (Innova), an entire erf, instead of a subdivided portion of it, was transferred to Innova. This mistake was later discovered in the course of the liquidation process of Innova. During Schmidt's application to rectify the mistake, and in seeking clarification on the ownership of the remaining extent of said erf, it was unsuccessfully contended that Schmidt was not entitled to any legal assistance in this respect, as his claim has prescribed; alternatively, he was estopped from any relief. The Supreme Court of Appeal again, indubitably, confirmed that the abstract theory applies to the passing of ownership. Consequently it was held that since neither Schmidt nor Innova, respectively, had the intention to transfer and obtain ownership of the remaining extent of the erf, Innova had never become the owner of it. The Supreme Court of Appeal further held that there is no difference between the rectification of a contract on the one hand and the rectification of a deed of transfer on the other. It follows that the rectification of both a contract and deed of transfer does not constitute a "debt" as contemplated by section 10 of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969 which could be extinguished by prescription. An additional technical question concerning the procedure to be applied to rectify the incorrect deed of transfer was also introduced. Even though the Supreme Court of Appeal approved an amendment in terms of section 4(1)(b) of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 (the act) in order to correct the mistake, the deeds community, especially through the Deeds Office intranet and grapevine, was notably sceptical about this ruling. For this purpose a detailed analysis is prepared to facilitate the various methods that may be applied to correct a defective deed of transfer. The possibilities investigated relate to an amendment in terms of section 4(1)(b) of the act, cancellation of a deed of transfer according to section 6, a section 3(1)(v) endorsement and a rectification transfer. en_US
dc.description.librarian am2014 en_US
dc.description.uri http://www.litnet.co.za/cgi-bin/giga.cgi?cmd=cause_dir_news&cat=201&cause_id=1270 en_US
dc.identifier.citation Lotz, J 2013, 'Vonnisbespreking : Hoe om ’n komparant se brouwerk reg te maak', LitNet Akademies, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 53-67. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1995-5928
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/40043
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_US
dc.publisher LitNet en_US
dc.rights LitNet en_US
dc.subject Abstract system of ownership en_US
dc.subject Appearer en_US
dc.subject Back session en_US
dc.subject Cancellation of faulty title en_US
dc.subject Cash sale en_US
dc.subject Causal system en_US
dc.subject Causation test en_US
dc.subject Conveyancer certificate en_US
dc.subject Condition of title en_US
dc.subject Deeds registration process en_US
dc.subject Deeds registration system en_US
dc.subject Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 en_US
dc.subject Delictual liability en_US
dc.subject Derivative property acquisition en_US
dc.subject Endorsement en_US
dc.subject Estoppel en_US
dc.subject Factual causation en_US
dc.subject Formalities en_US
dc.subject Legal causation en_US
dc.subject Liability en_US
dc.subject Marital status en_US
dc.subject Matrimonial property system en_US
dc.subject Misrepresentation en_US
dc.subject Mother title deed en_US
dc.subject Obligatory agreement en_US
dc.subject Original transfer of ownership en_US
dc.subject Out-and-out session en_US
dc.subject Prenuptial agreement en_US
dc.subject Preparation clause en_US
dc.subject Real agreement en_US
dc.subject Rectification of contact en_US
dc.subject Rectification of title deed en_US
dc.subject Registrar circulars en_US
dc.subject Registrar of deeds en_US
dc.subject Registration error en_US
dc.subject Sale in execution en_US
dc.subject Sections 10, 11 of the Prescription Act 68 of 1969 en_US
dc.subject Section 2(1) of the Alienation of Land Act 68 of 1981 en_US
dc.subject Section 21 of the Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 en_US
dc.subject Sections 3(1)(v), 39, 4(1)(b) and 6 of the Deeds Registries Act 47 of 1937 en_US
dc.subject Subdivision of Agricultural Land Act 70 of 1970 en_US
dc.subject Surveyor-general en_US
dc.subject Transfer Duty Act 40 of 1949 en_US
dc.subject Aanspreeklikheid en_US
dc.subject Abstrakte stelsel van eiendomsoorgang en_US
dc.subject Afgeleide eiendomsverkryging en_US
dc.subject Akteregistrasiestelsel en_US
dc.subject Akteregistrasieproses en_US
dc.subject Aktevervaardiger-sertifikaat en_US
dc.subject Artikels 10, 11 van die Verjaringswet 68 van 1969 en_US
dc.subject Artikel 2(1) van die Wet op Vervreemding van Grond 68 van 1981 en_US
dc.subject Artikel 21 van die Wet op Huweliksgoedere 88 van 1984 en_US
dc.subject Artikels 3(1)(v), 39, 4(1)(b), 6 van die Registrasie van Aktes Wet 47 van 1937 en_US
dc.subject De duobus vel pluribus reis debendi en_US
dc.subject Deliktuele aanspreeklikheid en_US
dc.subject Eiendomsoorgang en_US
dc.subject Eksekusieverkoping en_US
dc.subject Endossement en_US
dc.subject Estoppel en_US
dc.subject Feitelike kousaliteit en_US
dc.subject Formaliteitsvoorskrifte en_US
dc.subject Huweliksgoederebedeling en_US
dc.subject Huwelik-status en_US
dc.subject Huweliksvoorwaardeskontrak en_US
dc.subject Juridiese kousaliteit en_US
dc.subject Kansellasie van foutiewe titelakte en_US
dc.subject Komparant en_US
dc.subject Kontantkoop en_US
dc.subject Kousale stelsel en_US
dc.subject Kousaliteitstoets en_US
dc.subject Landmeter-generaal en_US
dc.subject Moedertitelakte en_US
dc.subject Nemo plus iuris ad alium transferre potest quam ipse haberet en_US
dc.subject Oorspronklike wyse van eiendomsverkryging en_US
dc.subject Opmetingswet 9 van 1927 en_US
dc.subject Opstelklousule en_US
dc.subject Registrasiefout en_US
dc.subject Registrateur van aktes en_US
dc.subject Registrateursomsendbriewe en_US
dc.subject Regstellingstransport en_US
dc.subject Rei vindicatio en_US
dc.subject Rektifikasie van kontrak en_US
dc.subject Rektifikasie van titelakte en_US
dc.subject Res in commercio en_US
dc.subject Saaklike ooreenkoms en_US
dc.subject Skynverwekking en_US
dc.subject Terugsessie en_US
dc.subject Titelvoorwaardes en_US
dc.subject Uit-en-uit sessie en_US
dc.subject Verbintenisskeppende ooreenkoms en_US
dc.subject Verbintenisskeppende verpligting en_US
dc.subject Wanvoorstelling en_US
dc.subject Wet op Hereregte 40 van 1949 en_US
dc.subject Wet op Onderverdeling van Landbougrond 70 van 197 en_US
dc.title Vonnisbespreking : Hoe om ’n komparant se brouwerk reg te maak en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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