Bellizismus eines pazifisten Stefan Zweig und der Insel-Verlag im Ersten Weltkrieg

Show simple item record Zajas, Pawel 2014-04-11T12:34:07Z 2014-04-11T12:34:07Z 2013
dc.description.abstract This article critically investigates correspondence between Leipzig publisher, Anton Kippenberg and Austrian author and literary adviser Stefan Zweig. None of the letters, which date from WWI, have been published before. It has been generally accepted that the years 1915-16 marked a turning point between Zweig’s involvement in the war and his later pacificist stance resulting in his emigration to Switzerland. His letters to Katharina and Anton Kippenberg, however, provide evidence that such a turning point cannot be verified given his overall ambivalent attitude during the war. Zweig’s motivation in opposing the publication of Polish literature by Insel-Verlag, his nationalist and patriotic vocabulary as well as his advances towards a post in occupied Belgium show that after 1915 Zweig rather displayed a conformist stance. Moreover, as an important member in the literary scene at the time, Zweig was able to skillfully manipulate the circumstances of the war and the rhetoric it entailed. en_US
dc.description.librarian am2014 en_US
dc.description.librarian gv2014
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.identifier.citation Zajas, P 2013, 'Bellizismus eines pazifisten Stefan Zweig und der Insel-Verlag im Ersten Weltkrieg', Acta Germanica, vol. 41, pp. 155-168. de
dc.identifier.issn 0065-1273
dc.language.iso de en_US
dc.publisher Southern African Association of German en_US
dc.rights Southern African Association of German Studies en_US
dc.subject Bellizismus de
dc.subject Stefan Zweig en_US
dc.subject Insel-Verlag en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Authors, German -- 20th century -- Correspondence. en
dc.title Bellizismus eines pazifisten Stefan Zweig und der Insel-Verlag im Ersten Weltkrieg de
dc.title.alternative Bellicism of a pacifist. Stefan Zweig and Insel-Verlag during the First World War en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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