Two repositories – different strategies

Show simple item record Hammes, Monica M.P. 2007-08-31T07:29:04Z 2007-08-31T07:29:04Z 2007-07 2007-08-31T07:29:04Z
dc.description.abstract The University of Pretoria Library Service has two institutional repositories: UPeTD for electronic theses and dissertations in operation since 2000, and UPSpace for research papers, conference papers and a variety of other research material. The presentation looks at the contribution of the repositories to the following strategies: Knowledge stewardship, Open scholarship, Profiling prominent researchers, Preservation and digitization. Realising the potential of and IR for new opportunities is in itself a strategy. Presented at the Carnegie Workshop, Johannesburg, 17 July 2007. en
dc.format.extent 993627 bytes
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso en en
dc.rights Creative Commons licence - see last slide en
dc.subject University of Pretoria Library Service en
dc.subject.lcsh Institutional repositories en
dc.subject.lcsh University of Pretoria -- Academic Information Service en
dc.subject.lcsh Electronic publishing en
dc.title Two repositories – different strategies en
dc.type Presentation en

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