Species delineation in the tree pathogen genus Celoporthe (Cryphonectriaceae) in southern Africa

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dc.contributor.author Vermeulen, Marcele
dc.contributor.author Gryzenhout, Marieka
dc.contributor.author Wingfield, Michael J.
dc.contributor.author Roux, Jolanda
dc.date.accessioned 2013-05-29T06:53:26Z
dc.date.available 2013-05-29T06:53:26Z
dc.date.issued 2013
dc.description.abstract The genus Celoporthe was first described when C. dispersa was discovered in South Africa associated with dieback and cankers on trees in the Myrtales. Four additional species were recently described from Eucalyptus and Syzygium cumini in China as well as S. aromaticum and Eucalyptus in Indonesia. Inoculation trials have shown that all Celoporthe species, including those that have not been found on Eucalyptus species in nature, are pathogenic to Eucalyptus and they are thus potentially threatening to commercial Eucalyptus forestry. New isolates, morphologically similar to Celoporthe, have been collected from S. legatti in South Africa and S. guineense in Zambia. Multigene phylogenetic analyses based on DNA sequences of the ITS region, TEF1a gene and two areas of the b-tubulin gene revealed additional cryptic species in Celoporthe. Phylogenetic data were supported by morphological differences. These resulted in the description of two previously unknown species of Celoporthe, namely C. fontana and C. woodiana, for two of these cryptic groups, while the third group represented C. dispersa. These species all can readily infect Eucalyptus as well as several species of Syzygium, the latter of which are native to Africa. en_US
dc.description.librarian am2013 en_US
dc.description.sponsorship We thank the University of Pretoria (UP), National Research Foundation (NRF), Forestry and Agricultural Biotechnology Institute (FABI) and Tree Protection Cooperative Program (TPCP) for financial support. en_US
dc.description.uri http://www.mycologia.org/ en_US
dc.identifier.citation Vermeulen, M, Gryzenhout, M, Wingfield, MJ & Roux, J 2013, ' Species delineation in the tree pathogen genus Celoporthe (Cryphonectriaceae) in southern Africa', Mycologia, vol. 105, no. 2, pp. 297–311. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0027-5514 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1557-2536 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.3852/12-206
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/21554
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Mycological Society of America en_US
dc.rights © 2013 by The Mycological Society of America en_US
dc.subject Canker pathogens en_US
dc.subject Heteropyxis canescens en_US
dc.subject Myrtales en_US
dc.subject Syzygium species en_US
dc.subject Tibouchina granulosa en_US
dc.title Species delineation in the tree pathogen genus Celoporthe (Cryphonectriaceae) in southern Africa en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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