Leser en konteks : resepsiestudie oor Afrikaanse romanselesers

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dc.contributor.author Snyman, Maritha
dc.contributor.author Penzhorn, Cecilia Elizabeth
dc.date.accessioned 2012-06-13T06:36:46Z
dc.date.available 2012-06-13T06:36:46Z
dc.date.issued 2011-06
dc.description.abstract Hierdie artikel wys op die winste van ander literatuurstudiebenaderings as teksanalise. Na ’n kort opsomming van navorsingsperspektiewe wat op die omgang van die leser met die teks fokus, word die opset en bevindinge van ’n leserstudie onder Afrikaanse lesers van romanses beskryf. ’n Vergelyking met ander studies oor dieselfde genre dui op ooreenkomste, soos dat die genre lesers help om aan die werklikheid te ontsnap en ontvlug, maar ook op verrassende verskille. Ten spyte van die patriargale omgewing waarin die Afrikaanse romanseleser lewe, word dit – anders as in ander studies – verswyg as rede vir ontvlugting. Die studie wys op die noue verbintenis tussen teks, leser en konteks wanneer die Afrikaanse romanselesers ontvlugting van misdaad as die werklikheid waarvan hulle wil ontvlug, aandui. en_US
dc.description.abstract This article highlights the gains of approaches other than that of text analysis to the study of literature. The romance is a literary genre that developed in Western culture mainly in English speaking countries. Romantic love is the essence of romantic fi ction and romances focus primarily on the love and romantic relationship between a man and a woman and have optimistic and emotionally satisfying endings. Until quite recently the idea of reading a romance often evoked derision, and there was a general assumption that the novels were read by less educated and less sophisticated women. However, romance publishing is big business in the West and also in South Africa and the question thus arises as to why this genre is singled out for ridicule. This article, which is based on a readership study of Afrikaans readers of romance novels, seeks to understand this phenomenon. After a short overview of research perspectives that focus on the association of the reader with the text, the context and results of the readership study are discussed. The study was undertaken on behalf of a South African publishing house and focuses on the demography of Afrikaansspeaking romance readers, their overall reading practices and the reasons for reading romances. The investigation was loosely based on Radway’s seminal study on readers of romances as discussed in her book Reading the Romance (1983). Questionnaires were included in a consignment of romances sent to members of romance book clubs. The questionnaires included, inter alia, the questions of why the respondents read romances and why these novels are preferred, or are felt to be “better” to read, than other books. One of the main themes that emerged from the responses was the women’s need to escape from the unsatisfactory realities of everyday life. This corresponds directly with results obtained from other studies of the genre. However, a surprising difference with existing studies also emerged when the responses regarding what respondents were escaping from were analysed. In spite of the patriarchal environment in which Afrikaans speaking women in South Africa fi nd themselves, this was not, as was predominant in other studies, mentioned as a reason/factor from which to escape. Instead, the South African women overwhelmingly indicated that they read romance novels to escape from the realities of rampant crime and violence touching upon their everyday lives. The main contribution of this readership study therefore, in which Afrikaans romance readers indicate that through their reading of romance novels they manage to escape from an unsatisfactory, crime-ridden reality, is that it clearly shows the close relationship between reader, text and sociohistorical realities. It furthermore demonstrates that literature can also be studied for the role it plays in the life of the reader and how the reader, by means of romance texts, may cope with such contexts and/or realities. en_US
dc.description.uri http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_akgees.html en_US
dc.identifier.citation Snyman, M & Penzhorn, C 2011, 'Leser en konteks : 'n resepsiestudie oor Afrikaanse romanselesers', Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 238-250. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0041-4751 (print)
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/19180
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_US
dc.publisher Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns en_US
dc.rights Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns en_US
dc.subject Romanse en_US
dc.subject Romantiese fiksie en_US
dc.subject Resepsiestudie en_US
dc.subject Leserstudie en_US
dc.subject Liefdesverhale en_US
dc.subject Populêre literatuur en_US
dc.subject Romance en_US
dc.subject Romantic fiction en_US
dc.subject Reception study en_US
dc.subject Readership study en_US
dc.subject Lovestory en_US
dc.subject Popular literature en_US
dc.title Leser en konteks : resepsiestudie oor Afrikaanse romanselesers en_US
dc.title.alternative Reader and context : a reception study of Afrikaans romance readers en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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