Suid-Afrikaanse immigrasie na Australië : interdissiplinêre narratiewe studie

Show simple item record Oberholzer, Gerhard 2012-05-07T06:44:33Z 2012-05-07T06:44:33Z 2011-09
dc.description.abstract In hierdie studie is geluister na die narratiewe van Suid-Afrikaans gebore immigrante, wat hulself in Brisbane, Australië gevestig het. Die plaaslike konteks word in die gereformeerde gemeente, die “Mansfield Christian Reformed Church” gevind en die ontwikkeling van diensbare leierskap word beskryf as deel van die kultuur van die gemeente wat fokus op die nood van immigrante. Die navorsing het plaasgevind vanuit ’n epistemologie wat uit ’n narratiewe benadering vloei. Die postfundamentele teologiese posisionering inkorporeer transversale rasionalisasie, met die doel om ’n dieper verstaan van die narratiewe navorsing te bewerkstellig. Die ontwikkeling van diensbare leierskap word as ’n natuurlike uitvloeisel van die immigrasieproses bespreek. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie studie is dat diensbare leierskap as ’n integrale deel van gelowige immigrasie en globalisering verstaan word en dat dit intensioneel deel vorm van die leierskapkultuur in ’n immigrant-vriendelike gemeente. Die voorstel wat hieruit voortvloei, is dat verskillende gemeentes en kerkverbande van Suid-Afrika en Australië kan baat by die aanwending van diensbare leierskap binne die konteks van immigrasie en globalisering. af
dc.description.abstract In this study narratives of immigrants are presented from a spiritual and psychological perspective. The local context is described as the faith community of the Mansfi eld Christian Reformed Church in Brisbane, Australia. The development of servant leadership is an integral part of the culture of the congregation. The congregation of Mansfi eld focuses on the needs of immigrants and they see themselves as a migrant-friendly church. The narratives of two South African born immigrants were listened to, who fi nd themselves in the context of the Mansfi eld Christian Reformed Church. The research approach in this study fl ows from an epistemology based on a narrative theory. The postfoundational approach incorporates the social context of immigrants as part of the process in exploring a deeper meaning of the stories told by co-researchers (immigrants). Within this framework of postfoundational practical theology, the praxis is therefore the starting point of research. This consists of local knowledge, described and interpreted by the co-researchers and informed by traditions of interpretation. The experiences of co-researchers are interpreted on a second level with the appointment of four interdisciplinary respondents. The respondents take part in an interdisciplinary conversation and they each contribute from their fi eld of experience in psychology and theology. This is done by using transversal rationality and the in-context experiences are thickened through interdisciplinary investigation. Furthermore, a study of relevant literature is introduced and added to the conversation. The research process is therefore developed from a postfoundational theological positioning with the aim of describing immigration narratives and interpreting these narratives in order to facilitate a deeper knowledge and insight into the immigration process. The in-context experiences of immigrants serve as the primary narrative and their interpretations of experiences will be studied. The interpretations of the co-researchers are used as discussion points in follow up conversations and their narratives are therefore allowed into a process of growth. Their language which points to their experience, as well as their language used in the process of immigration, is listened to. Servant leadership is discussed as a vital part of immigration for believers. The stories of the co-researchers reveal servant leadership in different forms as part of the culture of the congregation in Mansfi eld. The narratives show the co-researchers becoming part of the ministry of servant leadership in a migration-friendly congregation. Co-researchers experience the infl uence of servant leadership in their lives and tell stories of how the needs of immigrants are met by the servant leaders in the congregation of the Mansfi eld Christian Reformed Church. The conclusion of this study at the end of the research process, points to some suggestions and alternative interpretations regarding immigration and globalisation beyond the local context. The outcome of the study shows servant leadership as an important part of immigration and globalisation. The intentional focus is on how a culture of servant hood will benefi t an immigrationfriendly congregation. The subsequent proposal is to engage other congregations and churches, both in South Africa and Australia, in a conversation on the effect of implementing servant leadership within the context of immigration and globalisation. en
dc.description.librarian nf2012 en
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.identifier.citation Oberholzer, G 2011, 'Suid-Afrikaanse immigrasie na Australië : ’n Interdissiplinêre narratiewe studie', Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 304-318. af
dc.identifier.issn 0041-4751 (print)
dc.language.iso Afrikaans af
dc.publisher Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns en_US
dc.rights Suid Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap & Kuns en_US
dc.subject Diensbare leierskap af
dc.subject Narratiewe navorsing af
dc.subject Postfundamentele benadering af
dc.subject Praktiese teologie af
dc.subject Interdissiplinêre gesprek af
dc.subject Epistemologie af
dc.subject Medenavorsers af
dc.subject Respondente af
dc.subject Transversale rasionaliteit af
dc.subject Geloofsgemeenskap af
dc.subject Globalisering af
dc.subject Postfoundational epistemology en
dc.subject Transversal rationality en
dc.subject Faith communities en
dc.subject.lcsh Servant leadership -- Religious aspects en
dc.subject.lcsh Narrative inquiry (Research method) -- Australia en
dc.subject.lcsh Theology, Practical en
dc.subject.lcsh Interdisciplinary research en
dc.subject.lcsh Globalization -- Religious aspects en
dc.subject.lcsh Emigration and immigration -- Religious aspects en
dc.title Suid-Afrikaanse immigrasie na Australië : interdissiplinêre narratiewe studie af
dc.title.alternative South African immigration to Australia : an interdisciplinary narrative study en
dc.type Article af

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