Blubber thickness in right whales Eubalaena glacialis and Eubalaena australis related with reproduction, life history status and prey abundance

Show simple item record Miller, Carolyn A. Reeb, Desray Best, Peter B. Knowlton, Amy R. Brown, Moira W. Moore, Michael J. 2012-01-31T06:22:43Z 2012-01-31T06:22:43Z 2011-10
dc.description.abstract The high variability in reproductive performance of North Atlantic right whales, Eubalaena glacialis, compared to southern right whales, Eubalaena australis, may reflect differences in lipid reserves. Amplitude-mode ultrasound was used to measure the thickness of right whale integument (epidermis and blubber; herein referred to as blubber thickness) in E. glacialis in the Bay of Fundy, Canada for 5 summer seasons and in E. australis off the South African coast for 2 austral winter seasons. E. glacialis had significantly thinner blubber layers (mean ± 1 SD = 12.23 ± 2.16 cm, n=172) than E. australis (16.13 ± 3.88 cm, n=117), suggesting differing levels of nutrition between the 2 species. Blubber was thickest in females measured 3 to 6 months prior to the start of pregnancy (E. glacialis); thinner during lactation (E. glacialis, E. australis) and then thicker with time after weaning (E. glacialis). These results suggest that lipids in blubber are used as energetic support for reproduction in female right whales. Blubber thickness increased in calves during suckling (E. glacialis, E. australis) but subsequently decreased after weaning (E. glacialis). Juvenile and adult male E. glacialis blubber thicknesses were compared among years of differing prey (Calanus finmarchicus) abundances (abundance data from Pershing et al. [2005]): during a year of low prey abundance they had significantly thinner blubber than during years of greater prey abundance. Taken together, these results suggest that blubber thickness is indicative of right whale energy balance and that the marked fluctuations in North Atlantic right whale reproduction have a nutritional component. en
dc.description.librarian nf2012 en
dc.description.sponsorship Massachusetts Environmental Trust, Office of Naval Research, National Marine Fisheries Service – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Northeast 746 Consortium, Hussey Foundation, and National Research Foundation in South Africa. en_US
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.identifier.citation Miller, CA, Reeb, D, Best, PB, Knowlton, AR, Brown, MW & Moore, MJ 2011, 'Blubber thickness in right whales Eubalaena glacialis and Eubalaena australis related with reproduction, life history status and prey abundance', Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 438, pp. 267-283. en
dc.identifier.issn 0171-8630 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1616-1599 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.3354/meps09174
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Inter-Research Science Publishing en_US
dc.rights © Inter-Research 2011 en
dc.subject Eubalaena australis en
dc.subject Eubalaena glacialis en
dc.subject Blubber thickness en
dc.subject Lipid reserves en
dc.subject Energy reserves en
dc.subject.lcsh Right whales -- Reproduction en
dc.subject.lcsh Northern right whale -- Food en
dc.subject.lcsh Southern right whale -- Food en
dc.subject.lcsh Adipose tissues en
dc.title Blubber thickness in right whales Eubalaena glacialis and Eubalaena australis related with reproduction, life history status and prey abundance en
dc.title.alternative Blubber thickness of right whales en
dc.type Postprint Article en

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