The Claude Lorraine glass

Show simple item record Bradlow, Frank R. 2011-05-30T12:25:44Z 2011-05-30T12:25:44Z 2011-05 1992-11
dc.description Article digitised using: Suprascan 1000 RGB scanner, scanned at 400 dpi; 24-bit colour; 100% Image derivating - Software used: Adobe Photoshop CS3 - Image levels, crop, deskew Abbyy Fine Reader No.9 - Image manipulation + OCR Adobe Acrobat 9 (PDF) en_US
dc.description.abstract This paper examines the use of the optical device known as the "Claude Lorraine Glass" and its use by landscape artists in order to convey a relatively wide-angled view on to a small scale surface, and to thus allow the various tones to acquire unity, without totally suppressing all the detail. en_US
dc.description.abstract In hierdie artikel word ondersoek ingestel na die gebruik van die optiese apparaat bekend as die "Claude Lorraine-spieel", en die gebruik daarvan deur landskapskilders om betreklik wye uitsigte op 'n klein oppervlak weer te gee, sodat die verskillende tone 'n eenheid aanneem sonder om al die detail te laat vervaag. af
dc.format.extent 6 pages en_US
dc.format.medium PDF en_US
dc.identifier.citation Bradlow, FR 1992, 'The Claude Lorraine Glass', South African Journal of Art History, vol. 10, pp. 62-67. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0258-3542
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.rights Art Historical Work Group of South Africa en_US
dc.subject Art history en_US
dc.subject Landscape painters en_US
dc.subject Optical apparatuses en_US
dc.subject Claude Lorraine Glasses en_US
dc.subject Landscape artists en_US
dc.subject Claude glasses en_US
dc.subject Black mirrors en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Art -- History en
dc.subject.lcsh Landscape painting en
dc.subject.lcsh Claude glasses en
dc.title The Claude Lorraine glass en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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