Defining 'project success' for a complex project - the case of a nuclear engineering development

Show simple item record Van Niekerk, S.I. Steyn, Herman 2011-05-16T13:09:56Z 2011-05-16T13:09:56Z 2011-05
dc.description.abstract The case of a nuclear engineering project was investigated to establish the relevant success criteria for the development of complex, high-technology systems. The project was first categorised according to an existing scheme, and the Delphi method was used to determine the criteria for project success that apply to this specific case. A framework of project success dimensions was extended to include criteria that are of specific importance for the project under consideration. While project efficiency (delivery on time and within budget) obviously still needs to be controlled, the results provide empirical evidence for the notion that, for 'super high tech' projects, this is relatively less important. The relative importance of the dimensions of success was also evaluated and presented on a timeline stretching from project execution to 10 years after project completion. This provided empirical evidence for certain concepts in the literature. en_US
dc.description.abstract Die geval van 'n kern-ingenieursprojek is ondersoek om die relevante kriteria vir sukses vir die ontwikkeling van komplekse hoë-tegnologiesisteme te bepaal. Die projek is eerstens geklassifiseer volgens 'n bestaande skema, en die Delphi-metode is vervolgens gebruik om die relevante kriteria vir projeksukses vir die betrokke geval te bepaal. 'n Bestaande raamwerk van dimensies vir projeksukses is uitgebrei om kriteria wat van spesifieke belang vir die betrokke geval in te sluit. Terwyl tydige aflewering, binne begroting natuurlik steeds belangrik is, voorsien die resultate empiriese bewys vir die nosie in die literatuur dat hierdie aspekte van relatief minder belang is in die geval van 'super hoë-tegnologie'-projekte. Die relatiewe belangrikheid van die dimensies van sukses is ook evalueer, en aangedui op 'n tydlyn wat strek van projekuitvoering tot 10 jaar na die afhandeling van die projek. Dit lewer empiriese bewys vir sekere bewerings in die literatuur. af
dc.identifier.citation Van Niekerk, SI & Steyn, H 2011, 'Defining 'project success' for a complex project - the case of a nuclear engineering development', South African Journal of Industrial Engineering, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 123-136. [] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1012-277X
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en_US
dc.rights Southern African Institute for Industrial Engineering en_US
dc.subject Nuclear engineering en_US
dc.subject.lcsh Project management -- Evaluation en
dc.subject.lcsh Nuclear engineering en
dc.title Defining 'project success' for a complex project - the case of a nuclear engineering development en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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