Phronimon Volume 7 Number 2 (2006)

Phronimon Volume 7 Number 2 (2006)


Journal of the South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities.

Permission was obtained from the South African Society for Greek Philosophy and the Humanities to digitize all articles published in Phronimon. All published articles, as an online version of Phronimon, are subject to full institutional based access. View letter of consent.

Ackah, Kofi Was Plato's Socrates convicted by a biased jury? 17-27
Domanski, A. The Journey of the soul in Parmenides and the Katha Upanishad 47-59
Finnigan, B. The dialectical method in Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics 1-15
Ladikos, Anastasios The pursuit of justice in Plato's Republic 73-88
Onayemi, Folake Women as containers in classical and African/Yoruba cultures 61-71
Zistakis, Alexandar H. Difference, aupTTAoKtl and the hierarchy of ideas in Plato's Sophist 29-45

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