Pastor pastorum in die pastorale versorging van die predikant

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Show simple item record Cooke, F.T. (Frank Terence) Cooke, Terence 2009-05-08T12:32:35Z 2009-05-08T12:32:35Z 2008
dc.description.abstract As a result of a defective system of pastoral care for the ministers' corps of the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) by the denomination, ministers are often left to their own resources and consequently experience isolation. Because of developments in society and the church, they exist and function more and more on the periphery of the lives of people and of society. With some ministers, this results in an alienation from their vocation and uncertainty about how this vocation should be realised in specific circumstances and contexts. From this, the following research hypothesis was formulated : When the DRC appoints pastors pastorum as an essential component of a comprehensive and holistic approach to the pastoral care of the minister, ministers will fulfil their vocation with renewed self-confidence, improved competence and greater authority. The DRC functions according to the presbyterial synodical system of church government. Weaknesses in the system have a negative effect especially on pastors who have attained an exceptionally important position in the system. The system of corporate episcopes is inadequate in current circumstances. It is essential to supplement the system of corporative episcope with a system of personal episcope. The term "pastor" is preferred to that of "minister" or "reverend". The profile of the pastor is described in terms of the triangle : person, office and profession. The vocation of the pastor is considered to be fundamental to this triangle. The pastoral care of pastors comprises the totality of activities provided by the entire church in order to, by means of a personal episcope (thus officially), communicate the gospel to the pastor in all facets of his humanity and, by utilising all possible aids, to enable the pastor to fulfill his vocation with renewed self-confidence, authority and competence. The ministry of the pastor pastorum should be founded upon the metaphor of the Shepherd. en_US
dc.identifier.citation Cooke, FT 2008, 'Die pastor pastorum in die pastorale versorging van die predikant', Practical Theology in South Africa / Praktiese Teologie in Suid-Afrika, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 22-43. [] en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1010-8017
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en_US
dc.publisher Society for Practical Theology in South Africa en_US
dc.rights Society for Practical Theology in South Africa en_US
dc.subject Pastorale versorging af
dc.subject Pastor pastorum la
dc.subject.lcsh Clergy -- Job stress
dc.subject.lcsh Clergy -- Pastoral counseling of
dc.subject.lcsh Clergy -- Office
dc.title Pastor pastorum in die pastorale versorging van die predikant af
dc.title.alternative The use of pastor pastorum in the pastoral care of ministers of the Dutch Reformed Church en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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