Conservation implications of prey responses to wild dogs Lycaon pictus during the denning season on wildlife ranches

Show simple item record Romanach, S.S. Lindsey, Peter Andrew 2009-04-30T05:31:46Z 2009-04-30T05:31:46Z 2008
dc.description.abstract The spread of game ranching in southern Africa provides opportunities for the reestablishment of populations of endangered wild dogs extirpated by livestock ranchers. However, this potential has not been realized, partly because of negative rancher perceptions. Some ranchers believe that wild dogs impart costs by killing wildlife that could be utilized consumptively. Others complain that wild dogs make ungulates 'skittish' and cause local reductions in prey densities while denning. We compared the skittishness and density of prey species inside and outside the denning home ranges of nine wild dog packs in Zimbabwe. Wild dogs had no impact on prey skittishness, but prey species did occur at lower densities inside denning home ranges. In some scenarios, and particularly on fenced game ranches, wild dogs could cause prey population declines during denning. On small game ranches, the use of fences as a tool by wild dogs during hunting can increase the proportion of large prey species in their diet by up to 11 times, and thus increase the minimum area required to support that diet. In addition, game fencing is typically permeable to wild dogs but not their prey, preventing the recovery of prey populations through the natural influx of prey animals into the denning area following departure of the dogs. Wild dogs could thus impose significant financial costs to game ranchers hosting denning packs. Our findings emphasize the importance of promoting the formation of conservancies, where neighbouring landowners remove boundary fences to create larger contiguous wildlife areas. en_US
dc.identifier.citation Romanach, SS & Lindsey, PA 2008, ‘Conservation implications of prey responses to wild dogs Lycaon pictus during the denning season on wildlife ranches’, Animal Conservation, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 111-117. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1367-9430
dc.identifier.other 10.1111/j.1469-1795.2007.00156.x
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Blackwell en_US
dc.rights Blackwell. The definitive version is available at en_US
dc.subject Conservancy en_US
dc.subject Flight distance en_US
dc.subject Fence en_US
dc.subject Game ranching en_US
dc.subject Hunting en_US
dc.subject Private land en_US
dc.title Conservation implications of prey responses to wild dogs Lycaon pictus during the denning season on wildlife ranches en_US
dc.type Postprint Article en_US

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