Production trials involving use of the FAMACHA© system for haemonchosis in sheep : preliminary results

Show simple item record Van Wyk, Jan Aucamp
dc.coverage.spatial Africa en
dc.coverage.spatial South Africa en 2009-04-19T07:54:10Z 2009-04-19T07:54:10Z 2008
dc.description.abstract In three trials conducted on two separate farms the production of sheep treated for naturally acquired haemonchosis using the FAMACHA© system of targeted selective treatment (TST) (i.e. to treat only those animals unable to manage unaided in the face of heavy Haemonchus challenge) was compared to that of suppressively drenched sheep in the same flock. As expected by the research team who developed and evaluated the FAMACHA© system, TST did result in some loss in production. However, despite high levels of worm challenge in two of the trials and the fact that the comparison was with suppressive drenching which is not sustainable, the total effect was relatively small in relation to the important advantage of using the TST as regards reduced selection for anthelmintic resistance (AR). Concerning the sustainability of worm control, it is concluded that the development of drug resistance to anthelmintics leaves sheep and goat farmers in South Africa no choice but to use methods of TST such as FAMACHA©. The FAMACHA© system can also be a useful clinical aid for early on-farm detection of AR by farmers; the degree of improvement in the colour of the ocular mucous membrane from pale to red in individually drenched anaemic animals over a period of 7–14 days can give a good indication of the efficacy of the compound(s) used. en
dc.identifier.citation Van Wyk, JA 2008, ‘Production trails involving use of the FAMACHA© system for haemonchosis in sheep : preliminary results’, Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research, vol. 75, pp. 331-345. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0030-2465
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Agricultural Research Council, ARC-OVI and the University of Pretoria en
dc.relation.requires Adobe Acrobat Reader en
dc.rights Agricultural Research Council, ARC-OVI and the University of Pretoria en
dc.subject Animal production en
dc.subject Body condition scoring en
dc.subject FAMACHA© en
dc.subject Haemonchosis en
dc.subject Sheep en
dc.subject Targeted selective treatment en
dc.subject.lcsh Anthelmintics en
dc.subject.lcsh Sheep -- Diseases en
dc.subject.lcsh Nematoda -- Control en
dc.title Production trials involving use of the FAMACHA© system for haemonchosis in sheep : preliminary results en
dc.type Article en

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