Van drag king tot lipstick lesbian : ’n voorlopige kontinuum van lesbiese genderidentiteit met spesifieke toepassing op die Afrikaanse kortverhaal

Show simple item record Botes, Nina Cochrane, Neil 2009-04-15T06:40:16Z 2009-04-15T06:40:16Z 2008
dc.description.abstract This article investigates lesbian gender identity as a number of possible performances of masculinities and femininities. Depending on the combination of masculinities and femininities, these identities can be placed alongside a continuum of lesbian gender expressions, with the extremes being female masculinity and female femininity, respectively. Two Afrikaans short stories, “Mamy Blue en ek onthou” (Welma Odendaal) and “Aan die einde van die reënboog” (Jeanne Goosen), are analysed according to this continuum to show that various manifestations of the lesbian subject exist. In these stories, five identities are postulated: the drag king, the stone butch, the Nike dyke, the straight-acting lesbian and the lipstick lesbian. This continuum-approach makes a reinterpretation of texts incorporating lesbian gender identities possible and stresses the various functions of such representations. en
dc.identifier.citation Botes, N & Cochrane, N 2008, ‘Van drag king tot lipstick lesbian : ’n Voorlopige kontinuum van lesbiese genderidentiteit met spesifieke toepassing op die Afrikaanse kortverhaal’, Stilet : Tydskrif van die Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 100-118. [] afr
dc.identifier.issn 1013-4573
dc.language.iso Afrikaans afr
dc.publisher Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging afr
dc.rights Afrikaanse Letterkundevereniging afr
dc.subject Masculinities and femininities en
dc.subject.lcsh Gender identity in literature en
dc.subject.lcsh Masculinity in literature en
dc.subject.lcsh Femininity in literature en
dc.subject.lcsh Lesbianism in literature en
dc.subject.lcsh Lesbians -- Identity en
dc.subject.lcsh Continuity en
dc.subject.lcsh Short stories, Afrikaans -- History and criticism en
dc.subject.lcsh Man-woman relationships in literature en
dc.title Van drag king tot lipstick lesbian : ’n voorlopige kontinuum van lesbiese genderidentiteit met spesifieke toepassing op die Afrikaanse kortverhaal afr
dc.title.alternative From drag king to lipstick lesbian : a preliminary continuum of lesbian gender identity with specific application to the Afrikaans short story en
dc.type Article afr

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