Evaluation of the HIV-1 polymerase gene sequence diversity for prediction of recent HIV-1 infections using Shannon entropy analysis

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dc.contributor.author Nkone, Paballo
dc.contributor.author Loubser, Shayne
dc.contributor.author Quinn, Thomas C.
dc.contributor.author Redd, Andrew D.
dc.contributor.author Laeyendecker, Oliver
dc.contributor.author Tiemessen, Caroline T.
dc.contributor.author Mayaphi, Simnikiwe Horatious
dc.date.accessioned 2023-10-24T10:31:07Z
dc.date.available 2023-10-24T10:31:07Z
dc.date.issued 2022-07-21
dc.description SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS : TABLE S1: List of articles from which HIV-1 subtype C reference sequences were obtained; Supplementary TABLE S2: Nucleotide differences within amino acid mutations found to have a different distribution between recent and chronic infection sequences; FIGURE S1: Amino acid sequence alignment to show the difference in sequences between recent and chronic HIV-1 infection; FIGURE S2: Comparison of differences in amino acids E628 and R629 in study sequences and non-subtype C reference sequences, for recent and chronic sequences. en_US
dc.description DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT : All data generated or analysed during this study are included in this manuscript and its supplementary information files. en_US
dc.description.abstract HIV-1 incidence is an important parameter for assessing the impact of HIV-1 interventions. The aim of this study was to evaluate HIV-1 polymerase (pol) gene sequence diversity for the prediction of recent HIV-1 infections. Complete pol Sanger sequences obtained from 45 participants confirmed to have recent or chronic HIV-1 infection were used. Shannon entropy was calculated for amino acid (aa) sequences for the entire pol and for sliding windows consisting of 50 aa each. Entropy scores for the complete HIV-1 pol were significantly higher in chronic compared to recent HIV-1 infections (p < 0.0001) and the same pattern was observed for some sliding windows (p-values ranging from 0.011 to <0.001), leading to the identification of some aa mutations that could discriminate between recent and chronic infection. Different aa mutation groups were assessed for predicting recent infection and their performance ranged from 64.3% to 100% but had a high false recency rate (FRR), which was decreased to 19.4% when another amino acid mutation (M456) was included in the analysis. The pol-based molecular method identified in this study would not be ideal for use on its own due to high FRR; however, this method could be considered for complementing existing serological assays to further reduce FRR. en_US
dc.description.department Medical Virology en_US
dc.description.librarian am2023 en_US
dc.description.sponsorship The National Research Foundation (NRF), Poliomyelitis Research Foundation, Discovery Foundation, National Health Laboratory Service Research Trust (NHLS-RT), South African Medical Research Council Self-Initiated Research (MRC-SIR), University of Pretoria Faculty of Health Sciences Research Committee, the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and National Research Foundation of South Africa and the Division of Intramural Research. en_US
dc.description.uri https://www.mdpi.com/journal/viruses en_US
dc.identifier.citation Nkone, P.; Loubser, S.; Quinn, T.C.; Redd, A.D.; Laeyendecker, O.; Tiemessen, C.T.; Mayaphi, S.H. Evaluation of the HIV-1 Polymerase Gene Sequence Diversity for Prediction of Recent HIV-1 Infections Using Shannon Entropy Analysis. Viruses 2022, 14, 1587. https://DOI.org/10.3390/v14071587. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1999-4915
dc.identifier.other 10.3390/v14071587
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/93027
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher MDPI en_US
dc.rights © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license. en_US
dc.subject Recent HIV-1 infection en_US
dc.subject Chronic HIV-1 infection en_US
dc.subject Shannon entropy en_US
dc.subject Sequence diversity en_US
dc.subject False recency rate en_US
dc.subject HIV-1 polymerase en_US
dc.subject Sanger sequencing en_US
dc.subject Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) en_US
dc.subject SDG-03: Good health and well-being en_US
dc.title Evaluation of the HIV-1 polymerase gene sequence diversity for prediction of recent HIV-1 infections using Shannon entropy analysis en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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