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Human rights (4)
Africa (2)
African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (2)
African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (2)
International human rights law (2)
Nigeria (2)
SDG-16: Peace, justice and strong institutions (2)
Socio-economic rights (2)
Uganda (2)
Access (1)
Activist (1)
Advisory jurisdiction (1)
African Charter (1)
African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (1)
African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights (1)
African customary law (1)
African human rights system (1)
African regional human rights bodies (1)
African states (1)
African Union (AU) (1)
Aggregate compliance (1)
Amicus curiae (1)
Amicus curiae interventions (1)
Article 12 (1)
Article 34(6) of the African Court Protocol (1)
Christof Heyns (1959–2021) (1)
Civil and political rights (1)
Climate change (1)
Climate-based development-induced displacement (1)
Commonwealth African countries (1)
Compliance (1)
Constitutional interpretation (1)
Direct access (1)
Disability (1)
Domestic actors (1)
Gambia (1)
General comment (1)
HIV legislation (1)
Human rights education (1)
Human rights in Africa (1)
Human rights lawyer (1)
Human rights treaties (1)
Human rights tribunals (HRTs) (1)
Inter-American human rights system (1)
Interim measures (1)
Internal displacement (1)
International and municipal law (1)
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) (1)
International criminal law (1)
International law (1)
International law and human rights (1)
Judicial treaty (1)
Jurisdiction (1)
Kampala Convention (1)
Legal educator (1)
Legal plurality (1)
Legislation (1)
Model legislation (1)
National Human Rights Commissions (NHRCs) (1)
Obituary (1)
Optional Protocol for the ICESCR (1)
Organisation of African Unity (OAU) (1)
Participation (1)
Practice (1)
Precautionary measures (1)
Provisional measures (1)
Quasi-judicial (1)
Regional (1)
Reparations orders (1)
Resolution of human rights complaints (1)
Right to freedom of movement and residence (1)
SADC (1)
Same-sex marriage (1)
SDG-17: Partnerships for the goals (1)
Second-order compliance (1)
South Africa (SA) (1)
Standing of original complainant (1)
Sub-regional (1)
Tanzania (1)
Theory (1)