The purpose and motivation for this presentation is to highlight the significance of change
from the original definition of the Integrated Public Transport Network (IPTN) as found in
the National Land Transport Act, 2009 to the one now found in the National Land Transport
Amendment Bill,[B 7D-2016]. Comparative review of the two definitions in relation to real
life challenges experienced through the manner various municipalities have interpreted the
meaning of IPTN enables a better understanding of why the change has become
necessary. In developing the presentation, it was necessary to study the two definitions,
breaking them into the relevant elements whilst comparing them with the statutory
requirements in developing and presenting the IPTN. The process included the review of
how some municipalities required to develop IPTNs interpreted the current definition whilst
developing their IPTNs. The results of the review were that there is no common
understanding and application of the current IPTN definition. The implications of the results
are that there is a need to assist those developing the IPTNs with legal interpretation of the
IPTN and how it is required to be translated when developing the IPTN. The translation for
the purposes of the presentation deals with the current definition as well as the definition
that will become law when the National Land Transport Amendment Bill is passed into law
in the near distant future.