Population genetics of a lethally managed medium-sized predator

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dc.contributor.author Slater, K.
dc.contributor.author De Jager, Deon
dc.contributor.author Van Wyk, A.M.
dc.contributor.author Dalton, Desire Lee
dc.contributor.author Kropff, Anna S.
dc.contributor.author Du Preez, Ilse
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-10T11:51:22Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-10T11:51:22Z
dc.date.issued 2022-09
dc.description APPENDIX S1. Supplementary methods. en_US
dc.description SUPPLEMENTARY TABLES. TABLE S1. Primer details for microsatellite loci used to genotype black-backed jackals (Canis Mesomelas). TABLE S2. Per-locus summary statistics as calculated in Cervus v3.0.7. The non-exclusion probabilities and combined non-exclusion probabilities (final row, italics) are relevant indicators of the power of the loci for parentage and sibship analyses. TABLE S3. Summary statistics for 20 sampling localities (farms) with >1 sample and for all farms pooled. Produced using the basicStats command of the diveRsity package v1.9.90 in R v3.6.2 and RStudio v1.2.5033. Standard deviation was calculated across loci in Microsoft Excel (stdev.s). Sampling localities with only one sample are not shown. TABLE S4. Summary statistics per year and for all years pooled. Produced using the basicStats command of the diveRsity package v1.9.90 in R v3.6.2 and RStudio v1.2.5033. Standard deviation was calculated across loci in Microsoft Excel (STDEV.S). TABLE S5. Pairwise FST values between farms with the full dataset (below diagonal) and associated significance at a level of 0.05 (above diagonal), where significant values are indicated by a “+” and non-significant values by a “−”. Calculated in Arlequin TABLE S6. Pairwise FST values between farms with relatives removed (below diagonal) and associated significance at a level of 0.05 (above diagonal), where significant values are indicated by a “+” and non-significant values by a “−”. Calculated in Arlequin TABLE S7. Comparison of mean pairwise relatedness (r) between years and mean individual inbreeding coefficients (F) between years. P-values for the Wilcoxon tests for difference in means are shown on the inside of the table (bordered by grey), with P-values for inbreeding comparisons shown below the diagonal (bottom left) and P-values for relatedness comparisons shown above the diagonal (top right). The mean F for each year is shown in the left-most column “outside” the main table, with the mean r for each year shown in the top row “outside” the main table. The numbers in parentheses after each year are the number of observations/data points for that year (number of samples for F and number of pairwise relatedness comparisons for r). en_US
dc.description SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURES. FIGURE S1. STRUCTURE HARVESTER results for (a) Delta K values and (b) probability (-LnPr) of K = 1–27 averaged over 20 runs and (c) genetic differentiation between the jackal sample locations (farms) based on STRUCTURE analysis (performed with K = 2–6) of 1 = GV, 2 = BB, 3 = BR, 4 = BD, 5 = DS, 6 = GG, 7 = HK, 8 = KD, 9 = KW, 10 = KK, 11 = KT, 12 = NG, 13 = ND, 14 = OG, 15 = RV, 16 = RE, 17 = RT, 18 = RD, 19 = SG, 20 = SK, 21 = VR, 22 = WK, 23 = CL, 24 = KR, 25 = WB and 26 = TD. FIGURE S2. STRUCTURE HARVESTER results for (a) Delta K values and (b) probability (-LnPr) of K = 1–27 averaged over 20 runs and (c) genetic differentiation between the jackal sample locations (farms) based on STRUCTURE analysis (performed with K = 2–6 and K = 14) of 1 = GV, 2 = BB, 3 = BD, 4 = DS, 5 = GG, 6 = HK, 7 = KW, 8 = KT, 9 = NG, 10 = ND, 11 = OG, 12 = RV, 13 = RE, 14 = RD, 15 = SG, 16 = SK, 17 = VR, 18 = WK and 19 = CL. After removing relatives, some localities had no samples, hence fewer sampling localities as compared to the full dataset. Note: The Evanno method (DeltaK) does not evaluate K = 1. FIGURE S3. Principal component analysis (PCA) of the different jackal sampling locations (farms) with related individuals removed. FIGURE S4. Plot comparing the relatedness estimates using six estimators and simulated individuals of known relatedness. Di, Dyadic likelihood estimator “DyadML”; LL, Lynch-Li estimator; LR, Lynch and Ritland estimator; QG, Queller and Goodnight estimator; Tri, Triadic likelihood estimator “TrioML”; W, Wang estimator. Plot produced with ggplot2 3.3.0 (Wickham, 2016). FIGURE S5. Results of the spatial autocorrelation analysis for A females and B males. The blue line indicates the autocorrelation coefficient of the data, with the 95% confidence interval at each distance class indicated by the black error bars, as determined by 1000 bootstrap resampling replicates. The red dashed lines indicate the 95% confidence interval around the null hypothesis (no spatial structure, i.e. rauto = 0), as determined by permutation (999 steps). Thus, if the error bars around the blue line do not overlap with the red dashed lines in a distance class, then genotypes were more (positive rauto) or less (negative rauto) similar than expected under the null hypothesis in that distance class. Such cases are indicated with an asterisk (*). en_US
dc.description.abstract Globally, levels of human–wildlife conflict are increasing as a direct consequence of the expansion of people into natural areas resulting in competition with wildlife for food and other resources. By being forced into increasingly smaller pockets of suitable habitat, many animal species are at risk of becoming susceptible to loss of genetic diversity, inbreeding depression and the associated inability to adapt to environmental changes. Predators are often lethally controlled due to their threat to livestock. Predators such as jackals (black backed, golden and side striped; Canis mesomelas, C. aureus and C. adustus, respectively), red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) and coyotes (C. latrans) are highly adaptable and may respond to ongoing persecution through compensatory reproduction such as reproducing at a younger age, producing larger litters and/or compensatory immigration including dispersal into vacant territories. Despite decades of lethal management, jackals are problematic predators of livestock in South Africa and, although considered a temporary measure, culling of jackals is still common. Culling may affect social groups, kinship structure, reproductive strategies and sex-biased dispersal in this species. Here, we investigated genetic structure, variation and relatedness of 178 culled jackals on private small-livestock farms in the central Karoo of South Africa using 13 microsatellites. Genetic variation was moderate to high and was similar per year and per farm. An absence of genetic differentiation was observed based on STRUCTURE, principal component analysis and AMOVA. Relatedness was significantly higher within farms (r = 0.189) than between farms (r = 0.077), a result corroborated by spatial autocorrelation analysis. We documented 18 occurrences of dispersal events where full siblings were detected on different farms (range: 0.78–42.93 km). Distance between identified parent–offspring varied from 0 to 36.49 km. No evidence for sex-biased dispersal was found. Our results suggest that in response to ongoing lethal management, this population is most likely able to maintain genetic diversity through physiological and behavioural compensation mechanisms. en_US
dc.description.department Biochemistry en_US
dc.description.department Genetics en_US
dc.description.department Microbiology and Plant Pathology en_US
dc.description.librarian hj2023 en_US
dc.description.sponsorship The National Zoological Gardens, Pretoria and the University of South Africa. en_US
dc.description.uri https://zslpublications.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14697998 en_US
dc.identifier.citation Slater, K., De Jager, D., Van Wyk, A.M. et al. 2022, 'Population genetics of a lethally managed medium-sized predator', Journal of Zoology, vol. 318, no. 1, pp. 47-62, doi : 10.1111/jzo.12995. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 0952-8369 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 1469-7998 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.1111/jzo.12995
dc.identifier.uri https://repository.up.ac.za/handle/2263/89413
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Wiley en_US
dc.rights © 2022 The Authors. Journal of Zoology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Zoological Society of London. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. en_US
dc.subject Microsatellites en_US
dc.subject Mesopredator en_US
dc.subject Jackals en_US
dc.subject Genetic diversity en_US
dc.subject Generation length en_US
dc.subject Dispersal en_US
dc.subject Compensatory migration en_US
dc.subject Compensatory reproduction en_US
dc.title Population genetics of a lethally managed medium-sized predator en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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