Determining the intensity threshold in a mosaic of non-international armed conflicts from Lubanga to Ongwen : the contribution of the International Criminal Court to a cumulative assessment approach

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Show simple item record Bradley, Martha Magdalena 2022-11-28T11:49:53Z 2022-11-28T11:49:53Z 2021
dc.description For a discussion of mixed armed conflicts, see Akande "Classification of armed conflicts: Relevant legal concepts" in Wilmshurst (ed) International law and the classification of conflicts (2012) 631; Geiss "Armed violence in fragile states: Low-intensity conflicts, spillover conflicts, and sporadic law enforcement operations by third parties" (2009) International Review of the Red Cross 133; Radin "Global armed conflict? The threshold of extraterritorial non-international armed conflicts" 2013 International Law Studies 724. Such complex conflict situations include the mosaic of violence that raged in Yemen in the period around 2017 and the ongoing situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). For an overview of the situation in Yemen up to 2017, see Arraf "The war report 2017: The armed conflict in Yemen: A complicated mosaic" The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, October 2017, available at The Armed Conflict in Yemen.pdf ( (accessed 25-02-2021). For a mapping of the multiplicity of non-international armed conflicts co-existing in the DRC during 2019, see Rulac Geneva Academy "DRC: A mapping of non-international armed conflicts in Kivu, Kasai and Ituri" (5 February 2019) blog post available at DRC: A Mapping of Non- International Armed Conflicts in Kivu, Kasai and Ituri Rulac (accessed 25-02-2021). en_US
dc.description.abstract Die oorgrote meerderheid van hedendaagse konfliksituasies word geken aan 'n mosaiek van geweld waar verskillende rebellemagte gedurende dieselfde tydperk binne dieselfde geografiese ligging oorlog voer. Die toerekening van die gevolge van sodanige geweld om te bepaal of 'n bilaterale konflik, wat deel uitmaak van die mosaiek van geweld, aan die intensiteitsvereiste voldoen om sodanig 'n burgeroorlog daar te stel, is 'n onbegonne taak. Hierdie artikel ondersoek die vraag of 'n kumulatiewe assesseringsmetode gebruik kan word om te bepaal of die totale geweld wat in sekere komplekse burgeroorloe ontstaan, uitgebreide gewapende geweld daarstel, sodat oorlogsreg op sodanige situasie toepassing kan vind. Die relevante regspraak van die Internasionale Strafhof word in hierdie verband ondersoek. Ek voer aan dat daar wel in sekere situasies 'n noodsituasie ontstaan, asook dat dit juridiese ondersteuning is vir die gebruik van 'n kumulatiewe assesseringsmetode in stede van die tradisionele bilaterale metode om gewapende geweld-gebonde komplekse burgeroorloe te assesseer. Die onlangse Ongwen-saak, soos op 4 Februarie 2021 deur die Internasionale Strafhof beslis, word ook onder die vergrootglas in did artikel ontleed. en_US
dc.description.department Public Law en_US
dc.description.librarian am2022 en_US
dc.description.uri en_US
dc.identifier.citation Bradley, M.M. 2021, 'Determining the intensity threshold in a mosaic of non-international armed conflicts from Lubanga to Ongwen : the contribution of the International Criminal Court to a cumulative assessment approach', Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch Law / Tydskrif Vir Hedendaagse Romeins-Hollandse Reg , vol. 84, no. 2, pp. 199-217. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1682-4490
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher LexisNexis en_US
dc.rights LexisNexis en_US
dc.subject Mosaic en_US
dc.subject Lubanga to Ongwen en_US
dc.subject International Crimiinal Court en_US
dc.subject Mosaiek en_US
dc.subject Lubanga to Ongwen en_US
dc.subject Internasionale Strafhof en_US
dc.title Determining the intensity threshold in a mosaic of non-international armed conflicts from Lubanga to Ongwen : the contribution of the International Criminal Court to a cumulative assessment approach en_US
dc.title.alternative Vassteling van die intensiteitsvereiste in 'n mosaiek van burgeroorloe van Lubanga tot Ongwen : die Internasionale Strafhof se bydrae tot 'n kumulatiewe assesseringsmetode en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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