Browsing Research Articles (Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology (BGM)) by Issue Date

Browsing Research Articles (Biochemistry, Genetics and Microbiology (BGM)) by Issue Date

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  • Miller, Susan M.; Barnes, K.N.; Bloomer, Paulette; Ryan, Peter G. (NISC (Pty) Ltd and Informa UK Limited (trading as Taylor & Francis Group), 2021)
    The Spike-heeled Lark Chersomanes albofasciata is a peculiar, short-tailed lark confined to southern, central and East Africa. Typical of resident larks, it exhibits marked geographic variation in plumage colour, which has ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Osieck, E.R.; Jurjevic, Z.; Boers, J.; Van Iperen, A.L.; Starink-Willemse, M.; Dima, B.; Balashov, S.; Bulgakov, T.S.; Johnston, P.R.; Morozova, Olga V.; Pinruan, U.; Sommai, S.; Alvarado, P.; Decock, C.A.; Lebel, T.; McMullan-Fisher, S.; Moreno, G.; Shivas, R.G.; Zhao, L.; Abdollahzadeh, J.; Abrinbana, M.; Ageev, D.V.; Akhmetov, G.; Alexandrova, A.V.; Altes, A.; Amaral, A.G.G.; Angelini, C.; AntonIn, V.; Arenas, F.; Asselman, P.; Badali, F.; Baghela, A.; Banares, A.; Barreto, R.W.; Baseia, I.G.; Bellanger, J.-M.; Berraf-Tebbal, A,; Biketova, A. Yu; Bukharova, N.V.; Burgess, T.I.; Cabero, J.; Camara, M.P.S.; Cano-Lira, J.F.; Ceryngier, P.; Chavez, R.; Cowan, Don A.; De Lima, A.F.; Oliveira, R.L.; Denman, S,; Dang, Q.N.; Dovana, F.; Duarte, I.G.; Eichmeier, A.; Erhard, A.; Esteve-Raventos, F.; Fellin, A.; Ferisin, G.; Ferreira, R.J.; Ferrer, A.; Finy, P.; Gaya, E.; Geering, A.D.W.; Gil-Duran, C.; Glässnerova, k.; Glushakova, A.M.; Gramaje, D.; Guard, F.E.; Guarnizo, A.L.; Haelewaters, D.; Halling, R.E.; Hill, R.; Hirooka, Y.; Hubka, V.; Iliushin, V.A.; Ivanova, D.D.; Ivanushkina, N.E.; Jangsantear, P.; Justo, A.; Kachalkin, A.V.; Kato, S.; Khamsuntorn, P.; Kirtsideli, I.Y.; Knapp, D.G.; Kochkina, G.A.; Koukol, O.; Kovacs, G.M.; Kruse, J.; Kumar, T.K.A.; Kusan, I.; Læssoe, T.; Larsson, E.; Lebeuf, R.; Levican, G.; Loizides, M.; Marinho, P.; Luangsa-ard, J.J.; Lukina, E.G.; Magana-Duenas, V.; Maggs-Kolling, G.; Malysheva, E.F.; Malysheva, V.F.; Martín, B.; Martín, P.; Matocec, N.; McTaggart, A.R.; Mehrabi-Koushki, M.; Mesic, A.; Miller, A.N.; Mironova, P.; Moreau, P.-A.; Morte, A.; Muller, K.; Nagy, L.G.; Nanu, S.; Navarro-Rodenas, A.; Nel, W.J.; Nguyen, T.H.,; Nóbrega, T.F.; Noordeloos, M.E.; Noordeloos, M.E.; Olariaga, I.; Overton, B.E.; Ozerskaya, S.M.; Palani, P.; Pancorbo, F.; Papp, V.; Pawłowska, J.; Pham, Thu Q.; Phosri, C.; Popov, Eugene S.; Portugal, A.; Posta, A.; Reschke, K.M.; Reul, K.M.; Ricci, G.M.; Rodríguez, A.; Romanowski, J.; Ruchikachorn, N.; Saar, I.; Safi, A.; Sakolrak, B.; Salzmann, F.; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Sangwichein, E.; Sangwichein, E.; Sanhueza, L.; Sato, T.; Sastoque, A.; Senn-Irlet, B.; Shibata, A.; Siepe, K.; Somrithipol, S.; Spetik, M.; Sridhar, P.; Stchigel, A.M.; Stuskova, K.; Suwannasai, N.; Tan, Y.P.; Thangavel, R.; Tiago, I.; Tiwari, S.; Tkalcec, Z.; Tomashevskaya, M.A.; Tonegawa, C.; Tran, H.X.; Tran, N.T.; Trovao, J.; Trubitsyn, V.E.; Van Wyk, J.; Vieira, W.A.S.; Vila, J.; Visagie, Cobus M.; Vizzini, A.; Volobuev, S.V.; Vu, D.T.; Wangsawat, N. T.; Yaguchi, T.; Ercole, E.; Ferreira, B.W.; De Souza, A.P.; Vieira, B.S.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias (Naturalis Biodiversity Center and Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, 2021)
    Novel species of fungi described in this study include those from various countries as follows: Antartica, Cladosporium austrolitorale from coastal sea sand. Australia, Austroboletus yourkae on soil, Crepidotus ...
  • Si, Hong-Li; Su, Yue-Min; Zheng, Xiao-Xiao; Ding, Meng-Yao; Bose, Tanay; Chang, Runlei (Pensoft Publishers, 2021)
    Lichens are the result of a symbiotic interaction between fungi (mycobionts) and algae (phycobionts). Aside from mycobionts, lichen thalli can also contain non-lichenised fungal species, such as lichenicolous and endolichenic ...
  • Scott, Terence Peter; Nel, Louis Hendrik (Frontiers Media, 2021)
    Lyssaviruses cause the disease rabies, which is a fatal encephalitic disease resulting in approximately 59,000 human deaths annually. The prototype species, rabies lyssavirus, is the most prevalent of all lyssaviruses ...
  • Olopade, B.K.; Oranusi, S.U.; Nwinyi, O.C.; Taiwo, O.S.; Fru, Felix Fon; Njobeh, P.B. (IOP Publishing, 2021)
    Trametes species are mushroom fungi with several biotechnological applications. This includes decolourisation of wastewater from olive mill and elimination of endocrine-disrupting hormones.This study reports the presence ...
  • Lynn, Kira Mary Theresa; Wingfield, Michael J.; Duran, Alvaro; Oliveira, Leonardo S.S.; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Barnes, Irene (Taylor and Francis, 2021)
    Several species in the Euwallacea fornicatus complex have emerged as important pests of woody plants globally, particularly in habitats where they are invasive aliens. These beetles live in obligate symbioses with fungi ...
  • Oliveira, M.E.S.; Van der Merwe, Nicolaas Albertus (Albie); Wingfield, Michael J.; Wingfield, Brenda D.; Soares, T.P.F.; Kanzi, Aquillah M.; Ferreira, M.A. (Springer, 2021-01)
    The discovery of Cryphonectriaceae and more specifically species related to the Eucalyptus canker pathogen Chrysoporthe cubensis on shrubs and trees in the Melastomataceae, has deepened our understanding of relevant, and ...
  • Malebe, Masixolise Pelly; Koech, Robert; Mbanjo, E.G.N.; Kamunya, S.M.; Myburg, Alexander Andrew; Apostolides, Zeno (Springer, 2021-01)
    As the second most consumed non-alcoholic beverage, the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) has high economic value. Tea improvement efforts that largely target economic traits such as yield have traditionally relied on conventional ...
  • Jones, Benedict C.; DeBruine, Lisa M.; Flake, Jessica K.; Liuzza, Marco Tullio; Antfolk, Jan; Arinze, Nwadiogo C.; Ndukaihe, Izuchukwu L.G.; Bloxsom, Nicholas G.; Lewis, Savannah C.; Foroni, Francesco; Willis, Megan L.; Cubillas, Carmelo P.; Vadillo, Miguel A.; Turiegano, Enrique; Gilead, Michael; Simchon, Almog; Saribay, S. Adil; Owsley, Nicholas C.; Jang, Chaning; Mburu, Georgina; Calvillo, Dustin P.; Wlodarczyk, Anna; Qi, Yue; Ariyabuddhiphongs, Kris; Jarukasemthawee, Somboon; Manley, Harry; Suavansri, Panita; Taephant, Nattasuda; Stolier, Ryan M.; Evans, Thomas R.; Bonick, Judson; Lindemans, Jan W.; Ashworth, Logan F.; Hahn, Amanda C.; Chevallier, Coralie; Kapucu, Aycan; Karaaslan, Aslan; Leongómez, Juan David; Sanchez, Oscar R.; Valderrama, Eugenio; Vasquez-Amezquita, Milena; Hajdu, Nandor; Aczel, Balazs; Szecsi, Peter; Andreychik, Michael; Musser, Erica D.; Batres, Carlota; Hu, Chuan-Peng; Liu, Qing-Lan; Legate, Nicole; Vaughn, Leigh Ann; Barzykowski, Krystian; Golik, Karolina; Schmid, Irina; Stieger, Stefan; Artner, Richard; Mues, Chiel; Vanpaemel, Wolf; Jiang, Zhongqing; Wu, Qi; Marcu, Gabriela M.; Stephen, Ian D.; Lu, Jackson G.; Philipp, Michael C.; Arnal, Jack D.; Hehman, Eric; Xie, Sally Y.; Chopik, William J.; Seehuus, Martin; Azouaghe, Soufian; Belhaj, Abdelkarim; Elouafa, Jamal; Wilson, John P.; Kruse, Elliott; Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta; De La Rosa-Gomez, Anabel; Barba-Sanchez, Alan E.; Gonzalez-Santoyo, Isaac; Hsu, Tsuyueh; Kung, Chun-Chia; Wang, Hsiao-Hsin; Freeman, Jonathan B.; Oh, Dong Won; Schei, Vidar; Sverdrup, Therese E.; Levitan, Carmel A.; Cook, Corey L.; Chandel, Priyanka; Kujur, Pratibha; Parganiha, Arti; Parveen, Noorshama; Pati, Atanu Kumar; Pradhan, Sraddha; Singh, Margaret M.; Pande, Babita; Bavolar, Jozef; Kacmar, Pavol; Zakharov, Ilya; Alvarez-Solas, Sara; Baskin, Ernest; Thirkettle, Martin; Schmidt, Kathleen; Christopherson, Cody D.; Leonis, Trinity; Suchow, Jordan W.; Olofsson, Jonas K.; Jernsather, Teodor; Lee, Ai-Suan; Beaudry, Jennifer L.; Gogan, Taylor D.; Oldmeadow, Julian A.; Balas, Benjamin; Stevens, Laura M.; Colloff, Melissa F.; Flowe, Heather D.; Gulgoz, Sami; Brandt, Mark J.; Hoyer, Karlijn; Jaeger, Bastian; Ren, Dongning; Sleegers, Willem W.A.; Wissink, Joeri; Kaminski, Gwenael; Floerke, Victoria A.; Urry, Heather L.; Chen, Sau-Chin; Pfuhl, Gerit; Vally, Zahir; Basnight-Brown, Dana M.; Jzerman, Hans I.; Sarda, Elisa; Neyroud, Lison; Badidi, Touhami; Van der Linden, Nicolas; Tan, Chrystalle B.Y.; Kovic, Vanja; Sampaio, Waldir; Ferreira, Paulo; Santos, Diana; Burin, Debora I.; Gardiner, Gwendolyn; Protzko, John; Schild, Christoph; Scigała, Karolina A.; Zettler, Ingo; Kunz, Erin M. O’Mara; Storage, Daniel; Wagemans, Fieke M.A.; Saunders, Blair; Sirota, Miroslav; Sloane, Guyan V.; Lima, Tiago J.S.; Uittenhove, Kim; Vergauwe, Evie; Jaworska, Katarzyna; Stern, Julia; Ask, Karl; Van Zyl, Casper J.J.; Korner, Anita; Weissgerber, Sophia C.; Boudesseul, Jordane; Ruiz-Dodobara, Fernando; Ritchie, Kay L.; Michalak, Nicholas M.; Blake, Khandis R.; White, David; Gordon-Finlayson, Alasdair R.; Anne, Michele; Janssen, Steve M.J.; Lee, Kean Mun; Nielsen, Tonje K.; Tamnes, Christian K.; Zickfeld, Janis H.; Rosa, Anna Dalla; Vianello, Michelangelo; Kocsor, Ferenc; Kozma, Luca; Putz, Adam; Tressoldi, Patrizio; Irrazabal, Natalia; Chatard, Armand; Lins, Samuel; Pinto, Isabel R.; Lutz, Johannes; Adamkovic, Matus; Babincak, Peter; Banik, Gabriel; Ropovik, Ivan; Coetzee, Vinet (Nature Research, 2021-01-04)
    Over the past 10 years, Oosterhof and Todorov’s valence–dominance model has emerged as the most prominent account of how people evaluate faces on social dimensions. In this model, two dimensions (valence and dominance) ...
  • Mesanza, Nebai; Raposo, Rosa; Elvira-Recuenco, Margarita; Barnes, Irene; Van der Nest, Ariska; Hernandez, Monica; Pascual, Maria Teresa; Barrena, Iskander; San Martin, Unai; Cantero, Alejandro; Hernandez-Escribano, Laura; Iturritxa, Eugenia (Wiley, 2021-02)
    A historical outbreak of needle blight disease was recorded during 2018 to 2019 in plantations of Pinus radiata and Pinus nigra in the North of Spain. The main pathogens involved in this historical outbreak were identified ...
  • Wright, Nicolette; Subedi, Deepak; Pantha, Saurav; Acharya, Krishna Prasad; Nel, Louis Hendrik (MDPI, 2021-02)
    Despite being vaccine preventable, the global burden of dog rabies remains significant, and historically it is the rural and marginalized communities in developing countries of Africa and Asia that are most threatened ...
  • Phoma, Boitumelo Sandra; Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter (Springer, 2021-02)
    Physicochemical variables limit and control the distribution of microbial communities in all environments. In the oceans, this may significantly influence functional processes such the consumption of dissolved organic ...
  • Mullett, Martin S.; Drenkhan, Rein; Adamson, Kalev; BoroN, Piotr; Lenart-Boron, Anna; Barnes, Irene; Tomsovsky, Michal; Janosíkova, Zuzana; Adamcikov, Katarina; Ondruskova, Emilia; Queloz, Valentin; Piskur, Barbara; Musolin, Dmitry L.; Davydenko, Kateryna; Georgieva, Margarita; Schmitz, Sophie; Kacergius, Audrius; Ghelardini, Luisa; Orlovic, Jelena Kranjec; Muller, Michael; Oskay, Funda; Hauptman, Tine; Halasz, Agnes; Markovskaja, Svetlana; Solheim, Halvor; Vuorinen, Martti; Heinzelmann, Renate; Hamelin, Richard C.; Konecny, Adam (MDPI, 2021-02-03)
    Dothistroma septosporum, the primary causal agent of Dothistroma needle blight, is one of the most significant foliar pathogens of pine worldwide. Its wide host and environmental ranges have led to its global success as ...
  • Mafuna, Thendo; Soma, P.; Tsotetsi‑Khambule, A.M.; Hefer, C.A.; Muchadeyi, F.C.; Thekisoe, O.M.M.; Pierneef, Rian Ewald (Nature Research, 2021-03)
    A metagenomic approach was used to study the gut microbiome of Haemonchus contortus feld strains and that of its predilection site, the abomasum of Dohne Merino sheep. The abomasum contents and H. contortus were collected ...
  • Crous, Pedro W.; Lombard, Lorenzo; Sandoval-Denis, M.; Seifert, K.A.; Schroers, H.-J.; Chaverri, P.; Gene, J.; Guarro, J.; Hirooka, Y.; Bensch, K.; Kema, G.H.J.; Lamprecht, S.C.; Cai, L.; Rossman, A.Y.; Stadler, M.; Summerbell, R.C.; Taylor, J.W.; Ploch, S.; Visagie, Cobus M.; Yilmaz, Neriman; Frisvad, J.C.; Abdel-Azeem, A.M.; Abdollahzadeh, J.; Abdolrasouli, A.; Akulov, A.; Alberts, J.F.; Araujo, J.P.M.; Ariyawansa, H.A.; Bakhshi, M.; Bendiksby, M.; Ben Hadj Amor, A.; Bezerra, J.D.P.; Boekhout, T.; Camara, M.P.S.; Carbia, M.; Cardinali, G.; Casta-neda-Ruiz, R.F.; Celis, A.; Chaturvedi, V.; Collemare, J.; Croll, D.; Damm, U.; Decock, C.A.; De Vries, R.P.; Ezekiel, C.N.; Fan, X.L.; Fernandez, N.B.; Gaya, E.; Gonzalez, C.D.; Gramaje, D.; Groenewald, Johannes Zacharias; Grube, M.; Guevara-Suarez, M.; Gupta, V.K.; Guarnaccia, V.; Haddaji, A.; Hagen, F.; Haelewaters, D.; Hansen, K.; Hashimoto, A.; Hernandez-Restrepo, M.; Houbraken, J.; Hubka, V.; Hyde, K.D.; Iturriaga, T.; Jeewon, R.; Johnston, P.R.; Jurjevic, Z.; Karalti, I.; Korsten, Lise; Kuramae, E.E. (Elsevier, 2021-03)
    Recent publications have argued that there are potentially serious consequences for researchers in recognising distinct genera in the terminal fusarioid clade of the family Nectriaceae. Thus, an alternate hypothesis, namely ...
  • Zheng, Zhenzhen; Li, Linfeng; Makhalanyane, Thulani Peter; Xu, Chunming; Li, Kaihui; Xue, Kai; Xu, Cong; Qian, Ruyan; Zhang, Biao; Du, Jianqing; Yu, Hua; Cui, Xiaoyong; Wang, Yanfen; Hao, Yanbin (Elsevier, 2021-03)
    Grazing is expected to exert a substantial influence on antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in grassland ecosystems. However, the precise effects of grazing on the composition of ARGs in grassland soils remain unclear. This ...
  • Sayari, Mohammad; Van der Nest, Magrieta Aletta; Steenkamp, Emma Theodora; Rahimlou, Saleh; Hammerbacher, Almuth; Wingfield, Brenda D. (MDPI, 2021-03-22)
    Terpenes represent the biggest group of natural compounds on earth. This large class of organic hydrocarbons is distributed among all cellular organisms, including fungi. The different classes of terpenes produced by ...
  • Kemler, Martin; Wingfield, Michael J.; Cowan, Don A.; Slippers, Bernard (Academy of Science of South Africa, 2021-03-29)
    Foliar fungi, especially endophytic fungi, constitute an important part of the microbiome of plants. Yet little is known about the composition of these communities. In this study, we isolated fungi from leaf tissues of the ...
  • Twiddy, D.; Fell, Shawn; De Beer, Z. Wilhelm; Fourie, Gerda (American Phytopathological Society, 2021-04)
    The polyphagous shothole borer (Euwallacea fornicatus, PSHB), an ambrosia beetle, with its fungal symbiont, Fusarium euwallaceae, is responsible for Fusarium dieback (FD) in a wide range of woody hosts. In 2019, the first ...
  • Bogaerts, Bert; Winand, Raf; Van Braekel, Julien; Mattheus, Wesley; De Keersmaecker, Sigrid C. J.; Roosens, Nancy H.C.; Marchal, Kathleen; Vanneste, Kevin; Ceyssens, Pieter-Jan (MDPI, 2021-04-06)
    Shigellosis is an acute enteric infection caused mainly by the species Shigella flexneri and Shigella sonnei. Since surveillance of these pathogens indicated an increase in ciprofloxacin-resistant samples collected in ...