Establishing a Book Nook at the Merensky 2 Library

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dc.contributor en_US
dc.contributor.upauthor Warricker, Adrienne
dc.contributor.upauthor Pillai, Viveka 2022-10-06T07:38:09Z 2022-10-06T07:38:09Z 2022-06-08 2022
dc.description Paper presented at the 15th International SAOIM at the CSIR International Conference Centre, Pretoria, 8-10 June 2022. en_US
dc.description.abstract In September 2019 the Humanities Faculty at the University of Pretoria had their centenary celebrations. The Humanities Faculty library collaborated with the Department of English to produce a month-long Mind-Altering Books exhibition. The exhibition was preceded by a survey sent to and completed by the Humanities academics during August 2019. Their submissions rendered a working list of 218 titles that they found Mind- Altering. A whiteboard with the question ``What is your most Mind-Altering Book”? was set up in the library, inviting students to share their own titles throughout the month - and it captivated their imaginations. The titles that were suggested was used to compile a list of titles that students like and would definitely read. Based on the success of the Mind-Altering Books event and exhibition, and shortly after these events had taken place, the Faculty of Humanities approached the Department of Library (DLS) services and proposed the creation of a leisure reading corner in the library. This area - the Book Nook - would be separate from the study areas, be stocked with books, have comfortable seating, and encourage leisure reading. The Humanities Faculty managed to provide a limited number of beanbags, but the library of course did not have resources set aside for suitable furniture, shelving, and of course books. It was envisioned that the books that were identified during the centenary event by academics and students would be placed in the Book Nook. Research shows that students who read for leisure feel less stress, experience an increase in their mental health and wellness and perform better in their academics. The DLS has always had a vested interest in reimagining physical and virtual spaces in support of the changing learning modalities, the establishment of a Book nook was certainly one of the ways to achieve this. The DLS over the years has evolved many library spaces to address student enrolment growth and changes in Scholarship and learning. Library spaces aligned with the need of students and in line with curriculum changes. In addition, enhancing design and upgrading spaces is useful to people with diverse abilities. In November 2021 we realised our dream of launching the first book nook on level 3 of the Merensky 2 Library. We now hope to establish a Book nook in each of our libraries. en_US
dc.format.extent PDF format of 15 slide presentation en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.rights University of Pretoria en_US
dc.subject leisure reading area en_US
dc.subject reading habit en_US
dc.subject reading culture en_US
dc.subject Book Nook en_US
dc.subject reading corner en_US
dc.title Establishing a Book Nook at the Merensky 2 Library en_US
dc.type Presentation en_US

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