Structural and immunohistochemical features of the epididymal duct unit of the ostrich (Struthio camelus)

Show simple item record Aire, Tom A. Ozegbe, P.C. Soley, John Thomson Madekurozwa, Mary-Catherine 2009-01-19T08:34:06Z 2009-01-19T08:34:06Z 2008-08
dc.description.abstract The epididymal duct unit, comprising the ductus conjugens, ductus epididymidis and ductus deferens, was studied histologically, ultrastructurally and immunohistochemically in five sexually mature and active birds. The main morphological features of the pre-dominant non-ciliated (type III) cell of the epithelial lining of this duct unit include, but are not limited to, a moderately abundant smooth or sparsely granulated endoplasmic reticulum, electron-dense secretory granules and numerous mitochondria in the supranuclear zone of the cytoplasm. A single, large heterogeneous lipid droplet, of unknown function, was characteristically situated immediately proximal to the nucleus. The epithelium is obviously secretory and specifically, of the merocrine, and not apocrine, type of secretion. The epithelium of the epididymal duct unit was only focally and weakly to moderately immunopositive to both actin MF and desmin IF, while the duct unit was immunonegative to cytokeratin and vimentin intermediate filaments. The peritubular muscular layer was moderately to strongly positive to both actin and desmin, and negative to cytokeratins and vimentin. en
dc.description.sponsorship University of Pretoria and the Electron Microscope Unit of the Faculty of Veterinary Science en
dc.identifier.citation Aire, TA, Ozegbe, PCJ, Soley, JT & Madekurozwa, M-C 2008, ‘Structural and immunohistochemical features of the epididymal duct unit of the ostrich (Struthio camelus)’, Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 296-302. [] en
dc.identifier.issn 0340-2096
dc.identifier.other 10.1111/j.1439-0264.2008.00844.x
dc.identifier.other 6701816856
dc.identifier.other 6603322006
dc.identifier.other G-9839-2014
dc.identifier.other O-7064-2014
dc.language.iso en en
dc.publisher Blackwell en
dc.rights Blackwell. The definitive version is available at en
dc.subject Struthio camelus en
dc.subject Anatomy en
dc.subject Epididymal duct en
dc.subject Epididymis en
dc.subject.lcsh Ostriches en
dc.subject.lcsh Ostriches -- Anatomy en
dc.title Structural and immunohistochemical features of the epididymal duct unit of the ostrich (Struthio camelus) en
dc.type Article en

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