Gnidia species

Show simple item record Botha, C.J. (Christoffel Jacobus) Venter, Elna
dc.contributor.other University of Pretoria. Faculty of Veterinary Science. Dept. of Paraclinical Sciences. Section Pharmacology and Toxicology
dc.coverage.spatial Africa en
dc.coverage.spatial South Africa en 2008-12-23T07:03:50Z 2008-12-23T07:03:50Z 2002
dc.description Colour photos. Final web-ready size: JPEG. Photo 1: 22.9 kb, 72 ppi; Photo 2: 15.7 kb, 72 ppi; Photo 3: 15.8 kb, 72 ppi; Photo 4: 15.3 kb, 72 ppi; Photo 5: 47.6 kb, 150 ppi. Original TIFF file housed at the Dept. of Paraclinical Sciences, Section Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Pretoria. en
dc.description.abstract DISTRIBUTION: G. burchelli occurs more or less in the eastern half of the country and in the Western Cape, while G. polycephala is to be found in the drier parts of the Karoo and the Northern Cape province. en
dc.description.abstract BOTANICAL DESCRIPTION: Gnidia burchellii: A woody, much-branched shrublet ± 1 m high. The branches have a reddish-brown bark. Just under the bark are some fine silvery silky threads, which are exposed when a twig is snapped and the bark pulled away from the wood. This helps to identify the plant. The leaves are carried mainly at the upper ends of the branch and distinct scars remain when they drop. The flowers are yellow, tubular and carried in dense clusters at the ends of the branches. The fruit is small, 1-chambered and contains a single seed. Gnidia polycephala: A perennial with a strong taproot. Much-branched from the base and forms a densely tufted bush ±50 cm high. The grey-green stems have few side branches and bear leaves only in the young stages. Small, dense heads of flowers subtended by broad papery bracts are borne at the ends of the branches. The flowers are tubular, yellow and hairy on the outside. The fruit is covered with plumes of long, silvery hairs, is 1-chambered and contains a single seed. en
dc.description.abstract TOXIC PRINCIPLE: Esters of the diterpenoid phorbol, similar to daphnetoxin. en
dc.description.abstract TOXICITY: • Relatively toxic. • Powdered plant irritating on skin and mucous membranes. en
dc.description.abstract MECHANISM OF ACTION: • Severely irritant. • Affects rapidly dividing cells. en
dc.description.abstract SYNDROMES: Gnidia intoxication. en
dc.description.abstract SYSTEMS AFFECTED: Gastro-intestinal and respiratory systems. en
dc.description.abstract CLINICAL SIGNS: Respiratory system: • Dyspnoea • Forced expiration with grunting (steun). • Peritracheal and subcutaneous emphysema of head (“lugdikkop”), as result of rupture of alveoli and air escapes into mediastinum and further. G.i.t.: • Anorexia • Ruminal atony • Diarrhoea. en
dc.description.abstract NECROPSY: Macroscopical findings and histopathology: • Hyperaemia, congestion, oedema and emphysema of lungs • Lymphoid atrophy and karyorrhexis • Necrotic to pseudomembranous enteritis • Nephrosis • Myocarditis. en
dc.description.uri en
dc.identifier.citation Botha, CJ & Venter, E 2002, 'Plants poisonous to livestock Southern Africa (CD-ROM)' University of Pretoria, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Dept. of Paraclinical Sciences, Section Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pretoria, South Africa. en
dc.rights ©University of Pretoria. Dept. of Paraclinical Sciences, Section Pharmacology and Toxicology (Original and digital). Provided for educational purposes only. It may not be downloaded, reproduced or distributed in any format without written permission of the original copyright holder. Any attempt to circumvent the access controls placed on this file is a violation of copyright laws and is subject to criminal prosecution. Please contact the collection administrator for copyright issues. en
dc.source Original format: University of Pretoria, Faculty of Veterinary Science. en
dc.subject Plant poisoning en
dc.subject Toxicology en
dc.subject Plant poisoning in animals en
dc.subject Poisonous plants en
dc.subject Gnidia intoxication en
dc.subject Diterpenoid en
dc.subject Phorbol en
dc.subject.lcsh Poisonous plants -- Toxicology -- Africa, Southern en
dc.subject.lcsh Veterinary toxicology en
dc.title Gnidia species en
dc.title.alternative Gnidia burchellii en
dc.title.alternative Harpuisbos af
dc.title.alternative Repuisbossie af
dc.title.alternative Gnidia anthylloides en
dc.title.alternative Gnidia polycephala en
dc.title.alternative Januariebos af
dc.title.alternative Besembossie af
dc.title.alternative Steunsiektebos af
dc.type Still Image en

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