Removal of MoF6 and HF from a helium-MoF6 gas mixture

Show simple item record Ungerer, Esbe Crouse, Philippus L. 2021-09-22T14:52:40Z 2021-09-22T14:52:40Z 2020
dc.description.abstract Klydon developed an aerodynamic separation process (ASP) with the aim of establishing an industrial method for isotope enrichment with respect to molydenum-100 for medical usage. Helium is used as carrier gas for molybdenum, present in the form of molybdenum hexafl uoride (MoF6). MoF6 is separated as product from the helium by freezing. The helium has to be purifi ed subsequently and traces of hydrogen fl uoride (HF) and MoF6 have to be removed. Several gas separation technologies were considered with the fi nal choice being the use of adsorbents, with emphasis on ion exchange resins. The reason for the choice was the fact that resins are easily obtainable synthetic polymeric materials, capable of exchanging or trapping specifi c ions. Because of the reactivity of both HF and MoF6, it is more likely that both compounds will react irreversibly with the the solid resins. The experimental results indicated that MN102 and A100Mo showed potential for removal of MoF6 from the helium stream in the fi nal polishing step. The results were not suprising; A100Mo is a macroporous, mixed base-ion resin, used for removal of molybdenum form acid solutions, and MN102 is a macroporous, hydrophobic weak base-ion material. Alumina and activated carbon showed showed potential for removing HF. Further work is required for with mixtures of HF and MoF6 to confi rm the selective nature of the reactions. en_ZA
dc.description.abstract Klydon het die aërodinamiese skeidingsproses (ASP) met die doel van isotoopverryking in molibdeen-100 vir die doeleindes van mediese-isotoopproduksie ontwikkel. Helium word as draergas saam met molibdeen in die vorm van molibdeenheksafl uoried (MoF6) tydens die proses gebruik. Die MoF6 word as produk uit die heliumstroom verwyder deur dit uit te vries. Die helium moet gesuiwer word en indien waterstoffl uoried (HF) of MoF6 nog teenwoordig is, moet dit effektief verwyder word. Nadat verskillende moontlikhede van gasskeiding en verwydering van HF en MoF6 ondersoek is, het die keuse op adsorbente geval met die oorwig van keuse op ioonuitruilharse. Die rede vir die keuse was dat harse maklik bekombare sintetiese polimeermateriale is, wat in staat is om spesifi eke ione uit te ruil of vas te lê. As gevolg van die reaktiwiteit van beide MoF6 en HF, is dit meer waarskynlik dat die twee reagense onomkeerbaar met die vaste stowwe reageer. Die eksperimente het getoon dat MN102 en A100Mo potensiaal het om MoF6 in die fi nale poleringsstap uit helium te verwyder. Verder het die eksperimente getoon dat alumina en koolstof moontlik die potensiaal het om HF selektief uit ’n heliumstroom te verwyder. Die resultate was nie verrassend nie want A100Mo is ’n makroporeuse, gemengde basisanioon hars, wat juis gebruik word om molibdeen uit suuroplossings te verwyder. MN102 is ’n makroporeuse hidrofobiese, swak basisanioon hars. Verdere studie en eksperimentering met ’n mengsel van HF en MoF6 om die selektiewe reaksie van HF te ondersoek word dus sterk aanbeveel. en_ZA
dc.description.department Chemical Engineering en_ZA
dc.description.librarian am2021 en_ZA
dc.description.sponsorship The South African Academy for Science and the Arts en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.identifier.citation Esbè Ungerer, Philippus L Crouse, Removal of MoF6 and HF from a helium-MoF6 gas mixture, Suid-Afrikaanse Tydskrif vir Natuurwetenskap en Tegnologie 39(1) (2020). h􀆩 ps:// en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn 0254-3486 (print)
dc.identifier.issn 2222-4173 (online)
dc.identifier.other 10.36303/ SATNT.2020.39.1.785
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher AOSIS Open Journals en_ZA
dc.rights © 2020. Authors. Licensee: Die Suid- Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attibution License. en_ZA
dc.subject Adsorption en_ZA
dc.subject Ion exchange resins en_ZA
dc.subject MoF6 en_ZA
dc.subject HF en_ZA
dc.subject MN102 en_ZA
dc.subject A100Mo en_ZA
dc.subject Alumina en_ZA
dc.subject Activated carbon en_ZA
dc.subject Adsorbsie en_ZA
dc.subject Ioonuitruilharse en_ZA
dc.subject Koolstof en_ZA
dc.title Removal of MoF6 and HF from a helium-MoF6 gas mixture en_ZA
dc.title.alternative Verwydering van MoF6 en HF uit ’n helium-MoF6-gasmengsel en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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