Two pandemics, one hundred years and the University of Pretoria: A brief comparison

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dc.contributor en_ZA Strydom, Bronwyn 2021-06-23T10:56:10Z 2021-06-23T10:56:10Z 2021 2020
dc.description.abstract The effects of the Covid 19 pandemic on higher education in South Africa and the University of Pretoria iinspired this brief investigation into how the university responded to the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918. This article looks at some of the traces of the effects of the Spanish Flu found in the University of Pretoria Archives. These include, apart from official documents, a handful of student reminiscences of the times which give some insights into how students in particular experienced the epidemic. These will be contrasted to personal impressions of how Covid 19 has impacted the 2020 class at the University of Pretoria. This brief comparison points to the far reaching impact the current pandemic has had on the university and higher education more generally. en_ZA
dc.description.uri en_ZA
dc.format.extent 5 pages en_ZA
dc.language.iso en en_ZA
dc.publisher Yesterday and Today en_ZA
dc.rights ©2021 South African Society of History Teaching. en_ZA
dc.subject COVID-19 en_ZA
dc.subject Spanish Flu en_ZA
dc.subject University history en_ZA
dc.subject pandemics en_ZA
dc.subject higher education en_ZA
dc.subject University of Pretoria en_ZA
dc.title Two pandemics, one hundred years and the University of Pretoria: A brief comparison en_ZA
dc.type Article en_ZA

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