In the New Normal, the business environment continuously change. Business review
and evaluate the value delivery model and can change the business model through
Business Model Innovation (BMI), as a response to these environmental changes.
The business model changes are initiated internally, and through BMI capabilities
manage to identify the opportunity, and change the business model accordingly.
Human Resource (HR) architecture enables the development of BMI capabilities,
and provides the strategic ability for business to respond to disruptions and change.
A qualitative exploratory research was conducted to determine what HR practices
supported the HR architecture, and how these HR practices complimented and
reinforced one another. With a different HR architecture lens, a revised BMI
capability matrix was developed and proposed.
The research found, that development orientated HR systems are mainly responsible
to develop BMI capabilities. Secondly, was the addition of organisational culture to
the revised BMI capability matrix, providing a link between BMI capabilities and
organisational culture.