This article reports on the introduction of a simple, portable, low-cost, and hands-on spectral tool for first-year chemistry students to use inside the laboratory and its spontaneous dissemination outside of the laboratory. The Mini Spec is a refinement of the Schwabacher minispectroscope in terms of simplicity and language load on the students. Inside the laboratory, students were supported with construction references resulting in reduced construction time and improved student engagement and performance. Two months after the laboratory session, a voluntary Qualtrics survey was used to explore spontaneous outreach. The dissemination of the Mini Spec was mapped across South Africa; the variety of languages used was documented, and data on the value of spontaneous outreach for the students and for their audience was gathered. Evidence of student enjoyment, of student learning, and of students developing into scientists was collected along with audience enjoyment, audience learning, and interest in science.
The Supporting Information:
Mini Spec template (PDF, DOCX);
Report sheet (PDF, DOCX);
Experimental manual (PDF, DOCX);
Voluntary online Qualtrics survey for students (PDF, DOCX);
Tips for instructors (PDF, DOCX);