Due to the diverse nature of the workforce which includes various people from different
backgrounds, it has become increasingly important to discuss inclusion of these
individuals in the workplace. Whilst the literature on inclusion is fairly new, research has
noted, although not conclusively, that inclusion may have an influence on performance.
This study explored the concepts of inclusion and performance and considered how
inclusion influences performance.
The study sought to build on both the theoretical and practical knowledge that exists on
inclusion and show how it influences performance. It further sought to provide
organisations with the rationale for implementing inclusive practices in order to benefit
from their diverse workforce.
To fully understand the inclusive experience and how it influences performance, a
qualitative study using 15 semi-structured interviews of black and white females from
various organisational levels was undertaken. The research found that when employees
feel included, their commitment to work, their performance and their loyalty increases.
This in turn has a positive influence on organisational performance, providing a strong
business case for creating an inclusive workplace.
These key insights led to the adaptation of the inclusion framework as developed by
Shore et al. (2011). The study presents an inclusion-performance framework which
shows how performance is positively influenced when employees are included.