Oor doodloopstrate en omwee : kanttekeninge by die boek "Doodloopstrate van die geloof - 'n Perspektief op die Nuwe Hervorming"

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dc.contributor.author Spangenberg, I.J.J. (Izak J.J.)
dc.date.accessioned 2008-10-27T07:55:41Z
dc.date.available 2008-10-27T07:55:41Z
dc.date.issued 2006
dc.description.abstract In 2002 a number of biblical scholars in South Africa published a book with the title Die Nuwe Hervorming (= The New Reformation). Since then reformed theologians and church councils in South Africa reacted vehemently and accused these scholars of heresy. The debate about a possible new reformation has not abated. Professor J J F Durand, theologian and former vice-principal of the University of Western Cape, recently published a book with the title Doodloopstrate van die geloof - 'n Perspektief op die Nuwe Hervorming (= Culs-de-sac of the Christian religion - a perspective on the New Reformation). He is of the opinion that the scholars who advocate a new reformation are merely followers of Rudolf Bultmann. The article argues that Durand and like minded reformed theologians in South Africa ignore the latest research in biblical studies and therefore adhere to fundamentalist opinions about the Bible and church doctrines. en
dc.description.uri http://explore.up.ac.za/record=b1525162 en
dc.identifier.citation Spangenberg, IJJ 2006, 'Oor doodloopstrate en omwee : kanttekeninge by die boek "Doodloopstrate van die geloof - 'n Perspektief op die Nuwe Hervorming"', Verbum et Ecclesia, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 361-373. [http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_verbum.html] en
dc.identifier.issn 1609-9982
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/2263/7662
dc.language.iso Afrikaans en
dc.publisher Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria en
dc.rights Faculty of Theology, University of Pretoria en
dc.subject Geloof af
dc.subject Nuwe Hervorming af
dc.subject New Reformation en
dc.subject.lcsh Durand, J. J. F.|q(Johannes Jacobus Fourie),|d1934-
dc.subject.lcsh Reformed Church -- Doctrines -- History -- 21st. Century
dc.subject.lcsh Bultmann, Rudolf Karl, 1884-1976
dc.subject.lcsh Religious fundamentalism
dc.title Oor doodloopstrate en omwee : kanttekeninge by die boek "Doodloopstrate van die geloof - 'n Perspektief op die Nuwe Hervorming" af
dc.title.alternative Culs-de-sac and detours : a few remarks on the book "Doodloopstrate van die geloof - 'n Perspektief op die Nuwe Hervorming" en
dc.type Article en

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