Additional file 1: Comparison of the immune responses against LukM
in the intranasal immunization group between week 0 and 7. IgG1 and
IgG2 LukM specific antibodies in serum. S/P = Sample to Positive ratio.
NS = Not significant. Antibody levels between week 0 and 7 were
compared using paired student’s T-test.
Additional file 2: Comparison of the immune responses against LukM
at week 7 between the four initial treatment groups. IgG1 (a) and IgG2
(b) LukM specific antibodies in serum. IFNg (c) and IL17 (d) production
following stimulation of whole blood with LukM for 48 h and 72 h
respectively. S/P = Sample to Positive ratio. NS = Not significant. Groups
were compared using unpaired student’s T-test.
Additional file 3: Sample dilutions for LukM, Efb and S. aureus wholecell
specific IgG1 and IgG2 ELISAs.
Additional file 4: Flow cytometry gating strategy.
Additional file 5: Correlation of Staphylococcus aureus specific
antibodies between colostrum and serum of dams at calving or calves
one week after colostrum ingestion. IgG1 (a, c, e) and IgG2 (b, d, f)
antibodies specific for whole SA bacterium (a, b), LukM (c, d) and EfB (e,
f). Correlation between dam colostrum and dam and calf serum antibody
levels was analyzed by linear regression. S/P = Sample to positive ratio.
Additional file 6: Proliferation of gamma delta T-cells following stimulation
with LukM and EfB. Proliferation was measured as the percentage of gamma
delta T-cells with diluted CFSE following 96 h stimulation with LukM (a) or EfB
(b). + = P < 0,05 before correction for multiple comparisons. * = P <0,05 after
correction for multiple comparisons.
Additional file 7: Intracellular cytokine expression of CD4 and CD8 Tcells
following stimulation with LukM and EfB. Percentage of CD4 (a, b, e,
f) or CD8 (c, d, g, h) T-cells positive for intracellur IFNg (a, b, c, d) or IL17a
(e, f, g, h) following 6 day stimulation with LukM (a, c, e, g) or EfB (b, d, f,
h). + = P < 0,05 before correction for multiple comparisons.