Proceedings of the 44th International Congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine

Proceedings of the 44th International Congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine


Proceedings of the 44th International Congress of the World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine held 27-29 February 2020 at The Farm Inn Hotel and Conference Centre, Pretoria, South Africa.


Complete WAHVM 2020 Proceedings


Opening session

Keynote: Bloodlines and Bloodlies – The Equine Experiment in Africa
Prof Sandra Swart
MEDUNSA: The rise and demise of South Africa’s second veterinary faculty
Dr Neville Owen

Session 2 – Free Topics

Jenner’s Zoological Perspective
Prof. Abigail Woods
Animal disease in iron-age and early medieval Western Europe: Knowledge, understanding and management
Mr. Patrick O'Reilly
Puzriš-Dagan: Organization of an animal concentration centre during UR III period
Silvia Nicolas Alonso
Request to cancel an appointment for the Civil Veterinary Service in the Dutch East Indies in 1890
Dr Jons Straatman

Session 3 – Free Topics

Equine veterinarians in South Africa - 220 years of service
Prof Gareth Bath
Eradicating Foot and Mouth Disease in North America, 1946-1954
Dr Rebecca Kaplan
Reduction of antibiotic use in farm animal and aquaculture production in Norway over the last 30 years
Dr Halvor Hektoen
Regulating Rumensin: Defining Antibiotic Feeds in the U.S. in the Wake of Resistance
Ms Nicole Welk-Joerger

Session 4 – Vet Histories of International Cooperation

Keynote: A brief historical overview of the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) and its historical relationship with countries in southern Africa
Dr Gideon Brückner
Collaboration between the veterinary schools of Utrecht and Onderstepoort - A political history
Dr Peter Koolmees
The Swiss Connection - A. Theiler and colleagues as an example of successful international veterinary cooperation
Prof. Andreas Pospischil
‘No one over here has had the pluck to do [this]’: International intercommunity collaboration and the investigation of canine inherited disease (Only abstract available)
Ms Alison Skipper

Session 5 – Tropical Diseases

Keynote: Historic highlights of South African Veterinary R&D in tropical diseases (Only abstract available)
Dr Rudolph Bigalke
Making Plague a Tropical Disease
Dr Susan Jones
Eminent South African Veterinary Virologists
Dr Daan Verwoerd

Session 6 – Tropical Diseases

The history of East Coast fever in southern Africa
Dr Ben Mans
Heartwater: a simple disease with a peculiar distribution that has exasperated farmers and scientists for eons
Prof. Ken Pettey
South African Veterinary Bacteriologists
Dr Maryke Henton
A study of the ecology of anthrax in the Kruger National Park, South Africa
Dr Valerius de Vos

Session 7 – Tropical Diseases & Free Topics

Jaundice in sheep in South Africa – confusion and resolution
Prof. Gareth Bath
Notable veterinary parasitologists of South Africa
Ms Heloise Heyne
The historical collections of the faculty of veterinary medicine in Munich: lost and hidden treasures
Dr Veronika Goebel
Preserving South Africa’s veterinary history: a collaborative approach
Mr David Swanepoel


For inquiries regarding this collection or items in the collection, please contact Myleen Oosthuizen

Recent Submissions

  • Bigalke, Rudolph; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    For the purposes of this address, tropical diseases are broadly defined as animal diseases and toxicoses that were unknown to European settlers and European-trained veterinarians when they came to South Africa. However, ...
  • Skipper, Alison; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    In 1920s colonial India, an enthusiastic group of expatriate British officials occupied themselves by breeding Bull Terriers. However, these breeders complained that many of the dogs they imported from ‘Home’ subsequently ...
  • Bath, Gareth F.; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Veterinarians in South Africa today are inclined to think their profession started with Arnold Theiler’s arrival in 1891 from Switzerland, or Duncan Hutcheon’s arrival in 1880, or even Samuel Wiltshire in 1874, all in the ...
  • Swanepoel, David; Breytenbach, Amelia; Coetsee, Tertia; Marsh, Susan; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    The history of veterinary science and education in South Africa is embedded within the colonial history of South Africa and is essential to understand and appreciate its contribution to the well-being of the country. ...
  • Goebel, Veronika; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Research into the lost and hidden treasures of the historical collections provides insights into the 230-year history of teaching at the veterinary faculty in Munich. Today, the collections no longer occupy the position ...
  • Heyne, Heloise; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Veterinary parasitologists in South Africa have played a crucial role in elucidating the causes and transmission of many major animal diseases, and in establishing life cycles and control measures that were appropriate to ...
  • Brückner, Gideon; Teissier, Marie; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    The devastating effects of rinderpest in Europe in the 18th century resulted in a call from Professor John Gamgee, of the New Veterinary College of Edinburgh, to the Deans of Veterinary Faculties in Europe for an International ...
  • Jones, Susan; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Although bubonic plague is not one of the major veterinary diseases of South Africa, it played an important role in the scientific history of the Union. In turn, international conceptions of the disease were shaped by ...
  • Swart, Sandra; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    This lecture focuses on the responsibilities – indeed, duties – of an historian today. It asks about the value - asks how do we write about them now? In this time of global crisis, with a world on fire in many senses of ...
  • Bath, Gareth F.; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Veterinarians trained in Europe dominated the research fraternity in South Africa up to the Second World War and scientific knowledge and investigations were therefore based on what was known in Europe or other countries ...
  • De Vos, Valerius; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    The ecology of anthrax in the Kruger National Park (KNP) in South Africa is described. Endemic anthrax occurs in the northern-most region of the KNP with sporadic cases seen almost annually. In addition, regular periodic ...
  • Henton, Maryke M.; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Microbial techniques and apparatus had been sufficiently developed by the second half of the 19th century to enable veterinarians to diagnose and study diseases unique to Africa, as well as those diseases carried by imported ...
  • Pettey, Kenneth P.; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Heartwater (previously cowdriosis) is a disease caused by a rickettsia, Ehrlichia ruminantium (previously Cowdria ruminantium). It was first recognised and recorded in South Africa by the Voortrekker Louis Trichardt in ...
  • Mans, Ben J. (Barend Johannes); World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    The history of East Coast fever (ECF) spans more than 120 years and it is simply too vast and intricate to do justice to it by trying to give a detailed presentation of all the relevant events, facts and personas associated ...
  • Verwoerd, Daniel Wynand; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Virology is a relatively young scientific discipline only recognised at the Onderstepoort institute as a separate science in the mid-1950s by the establishment of an independent Section Virology. Before that, research on ...
  • Hektoen, Halvor; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Antibacterial agents were used long before people knew that infections were caused by bacteria, and were described in ancient Egypt, Greece and in the Roman empire. However, in modern medicine the ‘antibiotic revolution’ ...
  • Pospischil, Andreas; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    The start of the Swiss veterinary connection dates back to the late 19th century when a shortage of veterinarians in Transvaal motivated M. Constançon, the Swiss ambassador to the ZAR in 1890, to inform his home country. ...
  • Koolmees, Peter A.; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    Until late in the 19th century, Utrecht University played a very important role in providing academic training for South African students. Professors at Utrecht stressed the Dutch roots of the Boers and supported their ...
  • Welk-Joerger, Nicole; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    This paper emphasizes the need to tell more histories about the specific cultural and chemical properties of antibiotic livestock feed to better understand its adoption and use in the past and today. The existing literature ...
  • Kaplan, Rebecca; World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine. International Congress (44th : 2020 : Pretoria, South Africa) (Pretoria : World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine, 2020-02)
    During the early twentieth century, Canada, Mexico, and the United States governments coordinated to prevent foot and mouth disease from entering their borders. These policies facilitated the trade of livestock and related ...

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