To make best use of the various radio resources in the heterogeneous network enabled by
the software de ned network or cognitive radio (CR) technology, a resource allocation framework with
exibility and quick recon gurability in the network control layer is an important issue. In this paper,
the authors propose a channel allocation framework with con gurable objectives and high computing
ef ciency in the complicated context of a multi-user multi-channel CR network cell. First, a channel
allocation protocol named the distribution probability matrix (DPM) is applied to model the channel
allocation scenarios quantitatively. Then, a queueing analytical framework using DPM is built to model
the CR system and comprehensive performance evaluations of every individual secondary user are obtained
separately. An overall performance evaluation of the CR system is carried out using the concept of weighted
throughput, which is introduced to represent the importance of the users and the feature to distinguish
different types of users. Then, a parameter named overtime probability (OP) is introduced to describe the
measure of delay approximately with high computing ef ciency. Thereby, an optimization of the system is
formulated to maximize the overall weighted throughput under delay constraints represented by OP and a
hill climbing algorithm is developed to nd the solution in terms of DPM. The numerical results reveal how
to allocate the resources to achieve the optimization objective under various system settings and prove the
computing ef ciency of the framework.